Legal Questions and Answers
Is there a time limit for solemnization of a marriage after receiving the marriage license in New York?
I and my boyfriend got our marriage license in October 2016 but did not solemnize our marriage. Can we solemnize our marriage now based on the license we got last year?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #30500Can a marriage be annulled upon showing fraud by one party?
My son married his girlfriend because she was pregnant with his child. 15 days after the marriage, he came to know the child was not his, can he annul the marriage?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #30499Can parents require their minor child to finance his/her educational expenses from the property owned by the minor child?
I am 17 years old and live with my parents. I have a house in my name in Wyoming. My grandparents gave this house to me. At present, I have given this house on rent to a family and I receive a good amount as rent every month. My parents are asking me to pay for my higher education from the income generated from my rental property. Do my parents have a right to make me pay for m...
01/18/2017 | Category: Minors | State: Wyoming | #30495What is the validity of an out-of-state divorce which is not authorized in Maine?
My husband and I are residents of Maine. We filed for a divorce in Washington because the ground for divorce we were seeking for was not authorized in Maine. We would like to know if our divorce will be valid in Maine?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce | State: Maine | #30493Is nonsupport a ground for filing a divorce in Maine?
I live with my husband in Maine. He earns sufficient money but he refuses to provide maintenance or any kind of support. I do not want to continue our marriage. Can nonsupport be a ground for filing divorce?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Grounds | State: Maine | #30491I would like to know the law on liability on the spouses for other spouse’s debts.
I live in Maine. I am getting married in a couple of months. My fiancé has many debts. Shall I be liable for his debts after marriage? What is the law on this?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Maine | #30490Can a parental rights and responsibilities to their child be terminated upon petition by parents?
I am 15 year old living in Maine with my parents. I am aware of the rights and responsibilities of parents to their child. I would like to know if parental rights and responsibilities can be terminated?
01/18/2017 | Category: Partnerships | State: Maine | #30489When can a person rescind an acknowledgment of paternity in Wyoming?
I am a resident of Wyoming. My girlfriend delivered a baby two months back and I voluntary signed an acknowledgment of paternity last week. Now I want to revoke the acknowledgment, as my girlfriend does not want to stay with me. Can I revoke an acknowledgment of paternity now?
01/18/2017 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Wyoming | #30488Is there any time frame for revoking a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity in Wyoming?
I signed an acknowledgment of paternity because my girlfriend wanted me to sign one. If I change my mind in future, can I revoke a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity. I am living in Wyoming.
01/18/2017 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Wyoming | #30486What are the Maine laws on institution of civil actions against the spouse?
My husband and I live in Maine. We are married for seven years. We are on the verge of parting ways. I would like to know the laws in Maine regarding institution of civil actions against the spouse.
01/18/2017 | Category: Husband and ... » Right to Sue | State: Maine | #30485