Legal Questions and Answers
Can a parent file for modification of child support amount due to insufficiency of the current amount?
I reside in Wisconsin. The custody of my three minor children is with me. The present child support is not sufficient to meet the needs. I want to modify the child support amount. What is the remedy available to me in this regard?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Wisconsin | #30511When is a spouse entitled to child support in Wisconsin?
I reside in Wisconsin. I filed a petition for divorce. I have two minor children. Am I entitled to get child support in Wisconsin?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Wisconsin | #30509Can a pardoned parent restore his or her rights on the guardianship of a child?
My friend’s husband received pardon from sentence for life imprisonment. He was convicted for the murder of his business partner. My friend wants him out of her and their child’s life and is in the process of getting divorce but her husband is threatening her that he will take custody of the child if she leaves him? Can he do so?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #30508Can a non-custodial parent object to relocation in Wisconsin?
I reside in Wisconsin. My wife has the custody of my 2-year-old son. I received a notice from her that she is intending to relocate with my son. How can I object this relocation?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Wisconsin | #30507How can a parent with custody relocate to parental home in Wisconsin?
I live in Wisconsin. I have the custody of my 5-year-old daughter. I want to relocate with my daughter to my parental home. What is the remedy available to me in this regard?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Wisconsin | #30506Does a husband has right to pay off his debts by using the property owned by his wife?
I purchased a condo last year using the legacy I received from my late grandmother. My husband wants to sell the condo to pay off a huge debt he incurred in his business. Does he have any right on the condo?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #30505Can grandparents claim visitation rights in Wisconsin?
We reside in Wisconsin. Our son has a 2-year-old non-marital child. The child is with a caregiver. We would like to have visitation of our grandchild. Is it possible for us to get special visitation rights in Wisconsin?
01/18/2017 | Category: Minors » Grandparent ... | State: Wisconsin | #30504Can a grandparent be barred from visitation in Wisconsin?
I am a resident of Wisconsin. I am very much attached to my son’s daughter who is 3 years old. My son’s marriage is going through a rough patch now and so my daughter-in-law is not allowing me to visit or interact with my granddaughter. What is the legal remedy available to me?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Grandparents... | State: Wisconsin | #30503Does marriage after child's birth have any effects on the legitimacy of the children?
My friend and her husband had a boy before marriage. Two years after birth of the child they got married. When the child completed five years, they divorced. Is the child legitimate?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #30502Does failure to conduct sickle cell anemia test prior to marriage invalidate the marriage?
I got married last year but neither me nor my husband took the test for sickle cell anemia before getting our marriage license. Will this affect the legality of our marriage?
01/18/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #30501