Legal Questions and Answers
What constitutes a plea agreement?
My grandson, age 17, was arrested for DUI. In court his court appointed attorney asked him if he wanted 120 days in Juvenile Detention or be tried as an adult and take his chances. He already had a juvenile record. Now the court is saying that this was a plea agreement. What constitutes a plea agreement?
01/09/2007 | Category: Criminal » Pleas | State: Indiana | #254Do we need to submit a pre construction lien notice before actually starting to work?
We are a subcontractor on a Tennessee project. Do we need to submit a pre construction lien notice before actually starting to work?
01/09/2007 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Tennessee | #253What is needed for Homeowner's Dues to be raised by President of HOA?
I need information on association dues for condominiums. Our President seems to think he can raise the Association dues whenever he wants without a vote from the whole association (us as owners). Can he do this without a vote from the homeowners?
01/09/2007 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Minnesota | #252How long is a Durable POA and Health Care good for?
How long is a Durable POA and Health Care good for? Does it expire?
01/09/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Tennessee | #251If I gave 90 days notice I am moving, am I responsible for remaining lease?
I have lived in my current rental house for three years. I have six months left on the lease. I gave landlord 90 days notice that I am moving as I have purchased a house. Can I be held liable for the remaining three months?
01/09/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Minnesota | #250Does a contract to convey title to real property have to be recorded to be legal?
Does a contract to convey title to real property have to be recorded to be legal?
01/09/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: North Carolina | #249What Are The Requirements to Become Power of Attorney?
My aging father is an abuser of narcotics. What do I have to do to become his power of attorney? He is very uncooperative.
01/09/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Arkansas | #248How do I get a lien against my bank account removed for debt charged off in my bankruptcy?
Last year (2005), my husband and I filed for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The final decree was signed and entered on 8/2/05. There is a creditor (who was named on the list of creditors, given notice, and did not dispute the discharge of the debt) who placed a lien on our personal bank checking account, which we considered exempt property. The creditor's lien froze any action on sai...
01/09/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Texas | #247Will my employer find out if I file bankruptcy?
Will my employer find out if I file bankruptcy?
01/08/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: ALL | #246Will bankruptcy stop foreclosure?
Will bankruptcy stop foreclosure?
01/08/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: ALL | #245