Legal Questions and Answers
Can my personal savings account be considered community property?
Can my savings account (that I started after my husband kicked me out) be considered "community property"?
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Oklahoma | #87Is it possible to charge new owner for repayment of mortgage payoff after the property was purchased
A family member offered to purchase the home of another family member for $400,000.00. A contract was written but not on standard real estate forms for Pennsylvania. Also, no money exchanged hands between the parties except that the new owner paid off the mortgage balance which was $160,000.00. According to Public Records the new owner paid $280,000.00 not the $400,000.00. Even...
01/03/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: Pennsylvania | #86Can I file for divorce myself?
I live in Illinois; I have been married for 25 years and would like a divorce. My husband has not worked for almost all of our married years. He told me he would not sign divorce papers. What do I have to do? Needless to say I can not afford a attorney because I have to pay all the bills.
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Illinois | #85If a child is left with the non-custodial parent for six months and the child now resides with the non-custodial parent in an...
If a child is left with the non-custodial parent for six months and the child now resides with the non-custodial parent in another state and is attending school in that state, does the non-custodial parent have rights to move the order from Missouri to Kansas so that the non-custodial parent's home state will have jurisdiction over the child? What is the law concerning how many...
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Kansas | #84What is the definition of a contested divorce in New Mexico?
What is the definition of a contested divorce in New Mexico? If a spouse refuses to sign or otherwise respond to a request for divorce, what is the legal recourse?
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: New Mexico | #83How will marital property be divided if we divorce?
My husband and I own a house that is not paid for. He also bought a body shop and we owe a debt regarding the purchase of this property. However the body shop is doing well and he is making money. How are these properties divided if a divorce is granted? Am I entitled to half of the body shop? We have been married 5 years. Am I entitled to alimony? He wants the divorce. I would...
01/03/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: Mississippi | #82If I do not agree on the divorce and do not sign the papers, can the divorce still be granted?
In the State of California if the respondent refuses to sign any of the divorce papers because they do not agree to the divorce, is the petitioner still able to have the divorce finalized in the court and dissolve the marriage? Where can I find more information on this specifically?
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: California | #81Where no children are involved, what is the benefit of filing for divorce on grounds of adultry?
When there are no children involved, are there any benefits of filing for divorce on grounds of adultery?
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #80How does my mother submit an executrix of estate to the insurance company?
My father recently passed and my mother's car is titled in his name. The car was recently in an accident which the insurance company totaled out. They will not pay her out until she submits an executrix of estate. How can I handle this matter without involving an attorney and what form should I use?
01/03/2007 | Category: Damages | State: Pennsylvania | #79Can I have shared custory of my child with my family due to my medical condition?
While living, can I have shared custody with another person other than my child's father? My family is incompetent and I have medical problems that may, someday, prevent me from caring for my child properly.
01/03/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Mississippi | #78