Legal Questions and Answers
Can I resign from a guardianship?
I would like to resign from guardianship. Is it possible?
01/04/2017 | Category: Guardianship | State: Florida | #29414How to recover the security deposit from landlord?
I am a tenant and I live in Texas. I was residing in a rental house for the last one year. Now, after the expiration of tenancy, my landlord is not ready to return the security deposit. Can I recover the security deposit I paid?
01/04/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Texas | #29413Can the unpaid rent be deducted from the security deposit?
I live in Texas. I rented my house for a fixed period on monthly basis for residential purposes. The tenant has not paid last month’s rent. He claims security deposit as the security for the unpaid rent. Is there any remedy against the tenant under Texas Law?
01/04/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Texas | #29412What is waiting period to get married after divorce in Texas?
I am married and I live in Texas. Before our marriage my husband had divorced his first wife. We got married 2 days after obtaining his divorce decree. Is our marriage a valid marriage?
01/04/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Texas | #29411I got divorced last week. Now we want to reunite. Can we remarry now or should we wait?
I am a divorcee and I live in Texas. We divorced last week. Now we want to reunite. Is it possible for us to remarry now or should we wait?
01/04/2017 | Category: Divorce » Remarriage | State: Texas | #29410I am suffering from cancer. Is it possible to appoint a successor guardian for my child?
I live with my son in Florida. My son was adopted a year ago. Recently, I found that I am suffering from cancer. As a result, it would be difficult for me to provide him with care and maintenance in the coming years. Is it possible to appoint a successor guardian for my child?
01/04/2017 | Category: Guardianship | State: Florida | #29409Can the court appoint a family member as the court monitor?
My wife and I live in Florida. I am acting as the guardian to my minor brother who is incapacitated. The court has appointed a person as court monitor who is not from our family. I would like to know whether the court may appoint a family member as the court monitor?
01/04/2017 | Category: Guardianship | State: Florida | #29408My 15 year old son destroyed his professor’s car out of anger.Will I be liable my son's act?
I live with my son who is 15 years old in Florida. Last week my son destroyed his professor’s car out of anger. His professor has lodged a complaint. Will I be liable for such an act done by my son?
01/04/2017 | Category: Minors » Liability of... | State: Florida | #29405How to prove marriage if the marriage certificate has been misplaced?
My husband and I live in Florida. We are married for three years. We have misplaced our marriage certificate. How do we prove our marriage?
01/04/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Florida | #29404Can the landlord keep a tenant’s security deposit after the termination of the lease in Alabama?
I terminated my lease two months ago and I had paid all my rent on time. My landlord still hasn't returned my security deposit. Can the landlord keep a tenant’s security deposit after the termination of the lease in Alabama?
01/03/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Alabama | #29348