Legal Questions and Answers
Can a 17 year old enter into an agreement for granting her child in adoption?
I am a 17-year-old single mother. I am unmarried and unemployed and do not have enough support to nurture and take care of my 6-month-old baby. I would like to give my baby in adoption, which would be in the best interests of the child. Can I enter into an agreement for granting my child in adoption? Will my age be an obstacle for entering into this contract?
01/03/2017 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Oregon | #29330Does a Wife have the right to reject her Husband's Will in Oregon?
My husband was domiciled in Oregon and died 7 months ago. He made a will long back, but I am unsure that whether he left any property for me in the will. As per the Oregon state law will I have an elective right to the intestate share? Is there any time limit for doing so?
01/03/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Elective Sha... | State: Oregon | #29329Is there a waiting period after you get your marriage license before you can marry?
I live in Texas. I got a marriage license from the authority today. I would like to conduct the marriage ceremony tomorrow. Is it permissible under Texas law to conduct the marriage ceremony soon after the marriage license is obtained?
01/03/2017 | Category: Marriage » License | State: Texas | #29328My husband's prior marriage was dissolved only 10 days before our marriage. Can I annul our marriage?
I live in Texas and got married last week. I did not know that, the prior marriage of my husband was dissolved only 10 days before our marriage. Can I annul the marriage as my husband did not reveal about the divorce to me?
01/03/2017 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: Texas | #29326Can I file a petition for annulment of marriage, which was solemnized at the age of 17?
My daughter married when she was 17 years old without parental consent or court order. She is 18 now and lives in Texas. Can I now file a petition for annulment of marriage, which was solemnized at the age of 17?
01/03/2017 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: Texas | #29322Can a 15 years old marry a is 21 years old. Is it essential to obtain court’s order or parental consent?
I am 15 years old and I live in Texas. I like to marry a person who is 21 years old. Is it essential to obtain court’s order? Can I marry after obtaining parental consent?
01/03/2017 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Texas | #29321Is there any provision in Texas law that annuls a 17 year old's marriage that is without parental consent?
My daughter is 17 years old and lives in Texas. She married her boyfriend last week without any court order or parental consent. Is there any provision in Texas law that annuls such marriages?
01/03/2017 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Texas | #29320What are the factors that the court considers while determining the custody of the child?
I live in Virgin Islands with my daughter who is 10 years old. I have been physically abused by my husband for a couple of months. I want to live away from my husband and file for divorce. I would like to know what are the factors that the court will consider in determining the custody of the child under these circumstances?
01/03/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: ALL | #29318In Oregon, under which provision can a parenting plan be modified?
My marriage had been dissolved in 2012. I was awarded legal custody of my 5-year-old daughter and her father was awarded parenting time. The parenting plan detailed in the judgment provided that father was to have parenting time with daughter every weekend from Friday evening to Sunday evening, three hours every Wednesday evening, and additional time during various holidays and...
01/03/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Oregon | #29313Is a stepparent liable for the educational expenses of step children?
We live in Oregon. My wife is the mother of three children from her previous marriage. All of us stay together. I would like to know whether stepparent is liable for the educational expenses of the children?
01/03/2017 | Category: Minors » Educational ... | State: Oregon | #29312