Legal Questions and Answers
How can I terminate tenancy when the tenants have absconded?
I have rented out my apartment to a couple at Oklahoma. They have been staying there for the last three years. But the last two months, they have not been seen or heard by anybody. Also, they have not paid the rent for three months. I am afraid they have absconded. Is there any way I can terminate the tenancy?
11/30/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Oklahoma | #27354What is the penalty for false statement of paternity in Florida?
My girlfriend has a child who is two months old. She has been living separately from her husband ever since she got pregnant due to some differences between them. However, they never filed for a divorce. After the birth of the child, I wilfully stated myself as the child’s parent hiding from the authorities about the child’s biological father. Will I be liable if I am caught f...
11/30/2016 | Category: Paternity | State: Florida | #27353What are the grounds under which court can terminate alimony order?
I am a divorcee living in Texas. My ex-husband has been providing me alimony per the court order which helps me take care of my living expenses. But since two weeks I have been having a romantic relationship with someone. We have not decided to get married yet. But can the court terminate the alimony order if I start seeing someone else?
11/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Texas | #27352Can a spouse file for a divorce from the other who is undergoing prison sentence?
My husband was sentenced to 4 life terms in prison for murder and was sent to a maximum security prison 2 years ago. My life has been a living hell since then. I have been working two shifts to make the ends meet. However, I met a really nice guy a year back and I am planning to get married to him. This is a conscious decision I took taking into account the future of my child a...
11/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Grounds | State: Ohio | #27351Can a minor get an annulment from a forced marriage and get emancipation at the same time?
I was literally sold to my husband by my parents when I was 15-years-old. I turned 16 this month. I want to get away from him and my parents. I don’t want them to play any part in my life. I have a full-time job as a waitress at a night club and I earn enough to support myself. What are the options available to me?
11/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: Ohio | #27349Two siblings serve as co-guardians. Can the co-guardians also server as Power of Attorney?
Two siblings serve as co-guardian for a mentally incapacitated third sibling. The incapacitated third sibling lives in a Community Long Term Care facility. Can either of the co-guardians also serve as power-of-attorney and if so what is that process?
11/30/2016 | Category: Guardianship | State: South Carolina | #27344Can you explain what does Renunciation by Beneficiaries mean?
Can you explain what does Renunciation by Beneficiaries mean?
11/30/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Renunciation | State: Louisiana | #27340I was married by an ordained minister but did not get a marriage license. Is the marriage valid?
I was married by an ordained minister. There was never a marriage license pulled for this process do I need to get annulment?
11/30/2016 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: Montana | #27336Landlord wants to sell home to avoid having to relet if we move. Is that legal?
I had to move to Iowa because of my Job and my husband had to stay behind because our landlord wants us to pay the rent until the end of the lease and if we break the lease, we still are paying it till it is re-rented. They called us and told us they are putting the house on the market and need to continue to pay rent until it sells. The issue is that they keep going back and f...
11/30/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Mitigate Dam... | State: Arizona | #27334What to do if wife passed away without a will,how can I go though probate in Texas?
What to do if wife passed away without a will,how can I go though probate?
11/30/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Texas | #27327