Legal Questions and Answers
Can my parents force me to move from New York with them if I am 17?
If I'm 17 years old can I be forced to move with my parents if I don't want to live with them
11/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: New York | #27316Neighbor tree root damage driveway will their homeowners for damage
Neighbor tree root damage driveway will their homeowners for damage
11/29/2016 | Category: Trees | State: South Carolina | #27314Tenant died and family wants to gain entry to get personal property of tenant.
How can the family of a deceased tenant legally gain entry to that family members apartment to claim his belongings.
11/29/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Death of Ten... | State: Florida | #27312A previous tenant in our business parking lot has abandoned all of his property, including a fifth wheel
A previous tenant in our business parking lot has abandoned all of his property, including a fifth wheel trailer, bicycles and miscellaneous personal items. We have repeatedly tried contacting the tenant's brother as we do not know where the tenant is. It's been over 6 months since the tenant vacated. What action do we need to take be able to sell or dispose of the property?...
11/29/2016 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Landlord Ten... | State: Kansas | #27302Who is responsible for cleanup if Tenant dies or commits suicide in landlords apartment?
My tenant shot himself inside of my rental property. I can't get any straight answers on clean up. There appears to be no blood.
11/29/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Death of Ten... | State: Michigan | #27294I am a sixteen-year-old in Virginia and want to get emancipated?
I am a sixteen-year-old minor residing in Virginia and employed part-time as a library assistant in a private school. I have earnings to support myself and I have been living separated from my parents for the last two years with their consent. My parents are also very well convinced and satisfied about my consistency in life. My girlfriend and I are now thinking of getting marr...
11/28/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Virginia | #27274What are the contents of a prenuptial agreement and how can it be amended once it comes into effect?
My fiancé and I are planning to tie the knot this winter. Both of us are residents of Illinois and we felt it would be ideal if we could make a prenuptial agreement which is binding. This way we will have everything in order if the relationship turns sour and we can avoid any disputes. But we are confused and blank as to what all goes into getting a prenuptial agreement drafted...
11/28/2016 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: Illinois | #27273What all properties and debts shall be divided when my wife and I are filing for divorce and how is it done?
My wife and I are filing for a divorce in Illinois. We have been married for 4 years and we have a 2-year-old son. I had earned a considerable amount of money from my business before I got married and I had invested the money in some properties. My wife has certain debts and other obligations and most of them were incurred after the marriage. I want to know what all properties ...
11/28/2016 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Illinois | #27271Can I get my records expunged through the mail?
I am a former resident of Chicago Illinois but lives in Detroit, Michigan now. I was charged with burglary but was acquitted by the court. I would like to get the record of my arrest removed from the public domain. I live out of state, so can I get my record removed through the mail and do I have to appear in court in person?
11/28/2016 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Michigan | #27270Can I get the record of my arrest removed?
I work as a bouncer at a club in Chicago, Illinois. I was recently charged and arrested for an alleged assault I had not committed. I was acquitted by a jury of my peers on the charges of assault. I am concerned that the record of my arrest in the public domain may negatively affect me in the future. Since I have been acquitted of the charges, I was wondering if there was any w...
11/28/2016 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Illinois | #27269