Legal Questions and Answers
Can you smoke in a vehicle with children
Can you smoke in a vehicle with children
04/26/2017 | Category: Smoking | State: Iowa | #36360How do you revoke an Acknowledgement of Paternity
How do you revoke an Acknowledgement of Paternity
04/26/2017 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Texas | #36359Do I get paid for vacation time if I quit my job?
I quit my job to start my own business, and I still have 2 weeks of vacation left, do I still get my vacation pay?
04/26/2017 | Category: Employment | State: Missouri | #36347In 2018 I'll be fourteen will it be legal to get my body pierced if my parents are with me?
In 2018 I'll be fourteen will it be legal to get my body pierced if my parents are with me
04/25/2017 | Category: Minors » Body Art | State: Ohio | #36332How do i prove that i did not commit a bigamist act?
how do i prove that i did not commit a bigamist act?
04/25/2017 | Category: Marriage » Bigamy | State: Virginia | #36326My father's Will specified that my stepmother would inherit and upon her death it would go to his children.
My father recently died. His will specified that my stepmother would inherit and upon her death it would be divided equally among the two stepchildren and my brother and me. Now my stepmother is stating her will states anything left would go to her children only. Can she do that?
04/25/2017 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: South Dakota | #36324My mother passed away leaving a will and her sister as Executor but the Sister left us. What do we do?
My mother passed away leaving a will and her sister as Executor. My aunt left us and I dont know what shes doing. What do I do now?
04/25/2017 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: New York | #36323Can my Mother force me to take my name off the deed to her house?
Me and my mother own the house she lives in. Both names are on the deed. Can she force me to take my name off the deed
04/25/2017 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Illinois | #36316How would I correct my name in the birth certificate in Illinois?
I have a passport with the name I've been using all my life but in my birth certificate my last name is different. My mom and dad were not married but when they got married I started using my dad's last name on all my paperwork. My license and SSN have a different last name from my birth certificate how can I straighten it out
04/25/2017 | Category: Vital Records | State: Illinois | #36313Will I be considered an adult when I graduate high school at 17?
I will graduate high school at 17 two months after I will turn 18. Will I be considered an adult when I graduate high school even though it will be two months or less till I turn 18?
04/24/2017 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: ALL | #36241