Legal Questions and Answers
What Forms Do I Need to File to Get Divorced in Virginia?
Me and my wife are separated, she has two children from her first marriage that I have not legally adopted. We also have some debt together and two vehicles one in each of our names. We will be getting a divorce, but VA requires a legal separation. Which which document do we need to file? Thank you for your assistance.
07/11/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #22646Does a Religious Corporation Have to Make their Minutes Publicly Available?
What is the legal requirement for the monthly Board of Directors meeting minutes of a California 501(c)(3) Religious Corporation be made available to the members of the organization?
07/10/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: California | #22644What Health Care Forms Do I Need in Nevada?
If I have a Durable General PoA, Living Will-PoA for Healthcare do I need the Declaration too?
07/10/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Nevada | #22643How Do I Make Sure My Children Inherit if my Husband Dies First?
My husband & I each have children from prior marriages. I have 2 adult children, and he has a 19 yr old son. His son is a drug addict (currently has been in jail for one year). Obviously, we are concerned about what would become of anything he inherits. How can we place his inheritance (even after he becomes an adult) in a trust fund?Also, if I predecease my husband and lis...
07/10/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: New York | #22642Am I Liable for Assignment of a Lease By Paying Rent for a Friend?
My ex boyfriend signed a 1 year commercial lease. I wrote a personal check for the first 3 months. He refused to pay, so I left a message for the landlord that he was breaking the lease. The landlord sent me a letter from his lawyer. I called the lawyer and he said because i paid with my checks, I am now also responsible for the rest of the rent, or I will be sued. Is this ...
07/10/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Pennsylvania | #22640Is it theft if I close my bank account before paying off loan?
I owe a payday loan money and now they are calling me saying because i closed my back account this is theft by check and i will go to jail is that true?
07/09/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Bad Checks | State: Texas | #22638what is the constitutionality of flag buring, should it be constitutionally protected
what is the constitutionality of flag buring, should it be constitutionally protected
07/09/2010 | Category: Misc | State: Massachusetts | #22637Can I prevent my son from doing something my wife gave him permission to do?
I'm married and my wife has told my 15 year old son he can go to Key West and help a friend (he is not a captain) bring a boat up the Atlantic coast. Can I prevent him from doing this?
07/09/2010 | Category: Minors | State: Virginia | #22630How do I relinquish a POA?
I am my mother' POA for medical decisions and I need to relinquish this. I have 4 siblings - the oldest is her POA for financial matters.
07/08/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #22629Should I set up an estate for him even if the debts exceed the assets?
My husband died intestate in January 8, 2010. He owned and operated a construction business as an LLC-Sole Proprietor. Now the creditors are after me. Should I set up an estate for him even if the debts exceed the assets? And if so, which forms should I order?
07/08/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Hawaii | #22626