Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Neighbor Put Up a Camera That Points at My House?
Is it legal for a neighbor to have 2 mini cameras mounted in bird houses on his home looking into my back yard and my front door. This is in the state of Arizona. I have had trouble with this neighbor in the past?
07/07/2010 | Category: Privacy | State: Arizona | #22608What is the Law on Employment Harassment?
Does anyone know the legal rights of an employee? What can be done about a manager who doesn't enforce employment rules in a company rule book? I have told that I should consult a lawyer due to assault, harassment,death threats,and discrimination on the job.
07/06/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Pennsylvania | #22607Will a California Health Care Directive Be Recognized in Arizona?
I spend alot of time in Arizona. I would like to know if my California Medical Assocation's 'Advance Health Care Directive' would be honored if I should have life threatening illness while in the state of Arizona,including my 'DNR' wish.
07/06/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: California | #22604What are the Adverse Possession Laws in Nevada?
Property was owned jointly by my mother-in-law and brother-in-law in Nevada, they have both since passed away and i have been paying the taxes on this property for over 10 years. Can my wife and i claim title to this property in our name and how did we do this? We live in California.
07/06/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Nevada | #22603How Do I Transfer Property to My Father Before I Spearate from My Wife?
I want to seperate from my wife of 3 years but before I do that I want to transfer the property I owned before we were married to my parent. I refinanced the mortgage on the house while married and had to include her in the process. What steps should I take to get the property in my fathers name?
07/06/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Illinois | #22601What Can Be Learned From a Legal Opinion?
What information can be obtained from reading a legal opinion?
07/06/2010 | Category: Courts | State: Massachusetts | #22596Do I Have to Pay the Credit Card Debt of My Deceased Father?
My father passed away in February 2009. There was no estate. Everything he owned was joint with my mother. However, he had credit cards in his own name 'only' with balances. My mother requested I handle this situation by contacting the banks and paying off the balances. All interest was stopped. Two of the banks have sent the balance to outside collection agencies while o...
07/06/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: New York | #22595How Do i Deed my Share of Property to My Daughter?
My brother and I inheirited a plot of land, about 2 acres on a country road. The land is plotted in my father's name, and record as joint ownership my brother and me. (only two siblings in the family). I want to deed my share to his daughter. Can I accomplish this by recording a warranty deed individual to individual with the Clerk of Courts of St. Martin Parish?
07/06/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Louisiana | #22592What is the Law on Burglary and Violation of Probation?
I have been charged with residential burglary, 2 counts of violating a no contact order, violation of probation. I went to court and I plead guilty at my first arraignment so it was continued. Now I'll have a omnibus hearing then I will have a pre trial conference before I go to trial. Now what should I do or is there any advice that you can give me? I live in the state of Was...
07/05/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Washington | #22589Does a Landlord Have to Give a Tenant a Written Lease?
I need help on Landlord/Tenant law. I have a landlord who doesn't believe in the law. What can I do about a person who is ignorant of the law and who says he doesn't have to have a written contract after 8 years of renting to me. He also says he can make me work for him without compensation and he has raised the rent whenever he feels like it. The law says he can't and it can't...
07/05/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Pennsylvania | #22588