Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Deed Property That I Sold Earlier Back to Myself?
I own two properties that I sold and carried the paper on, the people I sold to are behind in payments and want to give the property back to me, is a quck claim deed, the best type to use for them to return the property? I have done title serch and one property is okay the other I have to go through foreclosure because of debts they owe. I live in Texas the property is in Cal.
07/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #22587How Do I Get a Mechanics Lien on a Vehicle in California?
I own a smog shop. I have many used car dealers that use my service. They are billed twice a month. One dealer refuses to pay for 7 cars that I smogged for them. I sent a certified letter to the dealer stating that they were 30 days past due and if not paid by 7-10-10 I was going to file a mechanic's lien on all 7 vehicles to secure payment. They called and said 'go ahead' see...
07/05/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: California | #22586How Do I Get a Protective Order for Non-Disclosure in Texas?
07/05/2010 | Category: Courts » Pleadings | State: Texas | #22584How Do I Transfer Money Left in a Will to a Minor in Georgia?
My Florida aunt passed away and left money to a Georgia minor without providing a trust. How should we proceed?
07/05/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Georgia | #22583Can a Second Mortgage Have Priority Over a First Mortgage?
In refinancing a home can a new mortgagor loan more than the present loan to the morrgagee and have a first lien?
07/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: Texas | #22582Do I Have to Move Out of the Marital Home if I Had an Affair?
While my wife and i consider divorce in California, we own a house in joint tenancy. She wants to me move out during the whole time but I pay half the mortgage and taxes and bills. DO I have to move out even though I am to blame due to a one time affair?
07/04/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: California | #22580What are the Pros and Cons of a Legal Separation?
My husband moved out 2 months ago and I am considering filing for a legal separation. I am not ready to file for divorce yet. Will a legal separation allow me to remain on his company sponsored benefits and future pension as well as protect me from becoming financially responsible for his credit card debt? What are pro's and con's of filing for legal separated?
07/04/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: California | #22579How Do I Deal With Fraud on the Court?
I have a significant fraud case where the whole matter started with the opposing party and his attorney creating fake court orders to try to get me arrested. These were never signed by a judge but later they bribed a judge or tricked him into issuing order on what should be a VOID order due to fraud, there is fraud found in each item in the court record and I suffered harms ...
07/03/2010 | Category: Courts | State: Minnesota | #22577What Does a Motion to Unseal Adoption Records Mean?
Question: What does it mean to file a motion and order to unseal adoption records?
07/03/2010 | Category: Adoption | State: Texas | #22576What Can I Do About Noisy Neighbors?
My neighbors have been allowing their kids and all the neighborhood kids to yell and scream and blow horns and do everything possible to disturb the peace. They do it to annoy me and last summer did it for over 60 days. I have called disturbing the peace on them twice but they still try to annoy me. It is getting way out of hand. Can I take them to court over this or what can I...
07/03/2010 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Texas | #22574