Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Leave a Stepchild Out of a Will?
If you want to leave a step-child out of the will altogether , what should you state in the will so that it will not be challenged by this child , if anything ? The step-child is an adult who lives outside the state of TN
07/03/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Tennessee | #22573What is the Law on Sentencing in New Jersey?
My son-in-law went to a strangers car and committed robbery,aggravated assault,and theft of movable property, this is his first offense, what should we expect for sentencing?
07/02/2010 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: New Jersey | #22571How Do I Get Rights Restored After a Federal Conviction?
26 yrs ago I was convicted of mail fraud, Rico, in Hawaii. The judge that sentenced me did not think I was guilty. He died. I have no other charges since then. I served 15 months in prison, paid all my fines. The federal trade commission told the judge that after a long investigation that I was not the guilty party. Can I get my rights back? I have lived in Texas for 30 yrs, s...
07/02/2010 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Texas | #22570How Do I Prove Guardianship of My Biological Child?
We have been asked to provide Certified guardianship papers, with raised seal or colored stamp, to an insurance company verifying that we are the legal guardians of our son, age 15. He is our birth son. Do you know what form I need to complete, and must I make a court appointment to get the form approved?
07/02/2010 | Category: Guardianship | State: Washington | #22569Does the Cooling Off Period to Cancel a Contract Apply to a Website?
I signed up for a membership on a web-site, least that 24 hours later, I requested a refund because the web-site have malware errors, references stating that sites were NOT FOUND, spam and spyware notifications on various web-sites problems associated with DeviantART. I requested my refund within the twenty-four hour period, they stated is their policy for refund. However, they...
07/02/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Nevada | #22568Do I have to wait any length of time before I can start an action to quiet title?
I just bought a real estate property at a county tax deed foreclosure auction. The property was foreclosed upon using the 'mortgage-style' method, NOT the 'in-rem' method. Do I have to wait any length of time before I can start an action to quiet title or can I proceed immediately? Also, am I correct in assuming that this action should not take as long or cost as much money as...
07/02/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: South Carolina | #22537Can I Be Denied a Co-Op Apartment in New York Based on Source of Income?
I live in co-op apartment owned by my parents and have been maintaining the place for 7 years. I pay the maintenance by my personal check. My parents want to add me to the paperwork as joint tenant with rights of survivorship. The co-op managing office says that might be a problem because my source of income is permanent disability. However I do also have assets in the bank...
07/01/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #22532How Do I Prove Age Discrimination as a Temporary Employee for Five Years?
I'm 64 years old and i've been working in a company for 5 years as temporary employee i think i'm being discreminate for my age.give me advice
07/01/2010 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: Florida | #22531Can I Hold the Seller of a Home Liable in Mississippi for Failure to Disclose Flooding Problems?
We purchased a home in Mississippi and after the fact we discovered that the previous owner's, who we purchased the home from, were not honest on the Property Disclosure Form. They indicated that the home never flooded and it did on two previous occasions. The lot should have been filled more or good drainage should have been in place. What can we do 2 years later?? We h...
07/01/2010 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Mississippi | #22528What is a Reasonable Amount for Maintenance and Child Support in Arizona?
My kids are 8 and 15, wife is 44, she had a real estate license, worked in a doctors office and is attempting to run her own tanning business out of her home. We were married 16 years. I gross $275 k year. I have offered her $5000/month inclusive of child support and also pay the mortgage for 5 years ($3,700/month) her car payment and insurance for another 10 months. She wa...
06/30/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Arizona | #22527