Legal Questions and Answers
What are the Steps for Transferring Property from the Heirs of a Deceased Owner in Virginia?
My uncle who is the co-owner of my property located in VA as a 'tenant in common' on the deed had passed away recently. He was a naturalized US citizen lived in CA. His wife and 4 children (above 18 yrs old) are the non-US residents and are willing to remove his name from the deed without any terms and conditions. He did not have a Will. His name was only on the Deed and I'm th...
06/30/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Virginia | #22526What are My Remedies if the Judge in My Case is Biased?
To whom it may concern: What can be my recourse if my mothers criminal case, being handled by a Nassau County Supervisory Administrative Judge, is being conducted in an impartial manner? Can my mother request a new judge, escalate the case to a higher court, etc?
06/30/2010 | Category: Courts | State: New York | #22525How Does a Co-Executor Resign in Iowa?
What is the procedure for resignation of a co-executor
06/30/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Iowa | #22524If You Sell Property that is Granfathered in a Zoning Ordinance Does it Remain Grandfathered?
if you have property that has a grandfather status and is presently a business if you sell does it still remain grandfathered to the next owner?
06/30/2010 | Category: Zoning | State: Michigan | #22523What Can I Do About a Stairway Encroaching On and Blocking Access to My Property?
This is about encroachment on my property from a neighbor... i have bought a house in Silver Lake LA in 2008. and found out after purchase that there may be an issue of encroachment according to my architect--the neighbor on the side of my driveway has used approx three feet of my land to build a concrete staircase from side walk to access their side door; which in turn complet...
06/30/2010 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: California | #22522How Do I Find Out What the Docket Number of a Case Is?
How can I get the right form in order to get a Docket number for the newspaper to print the statement of death? (or whatever you call what the newspaper folks print for three weeks) I alreadt filled out, noterised and paid for the small estate Affidavit.
06/30/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: Wyoming | #22521Can My Husband's Pension Be Taken to Pay for a Nursing Home?
My husband & I are 79 yrs old. I filled for divorce in 2008 and have not finalized due to financial problems. I receive half of my husband's pension as we agreed. If he becomes incapacitated and goes to a nursing home will the state take all of his pension or will I still receive half. I am the beneficiary and would continue to receive the pension after his death, if I sur...
06/29/2010 | Category: Medicaid | State: California | #22519How Do I Collect the Assets from the Bank Account of My Deceased Mother in Iowa?
what forms besides the death certificate and where do I send them for closing my mothers bank account (with $3700) in it, in Clinton Iowa
06/29/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: Iowa | #22518Who Does Disclaimed Property Go to in Intestacy Cases?
If a disclaimant in an intestacy circumstance (there are other siblings) has heirs, her children, who is the beneficiary of the disclaimed asset?
06/29/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Disclaimer o... | State: Maryland | #22517What Type of Power of Attorney is Used to Represent Someone With Various Entities?
What kind of power of attorney does a person need to have some one present and represent them when dealing with government agencies, doctors, social workers etc?
06/29/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Arizona | #22516