Legal Questions and Answers
Who Owns a Shared Wall in a Condominium?
We are an end unit of 3 houses; the common wall of our bedrooms extends up and becomes the sole wall of their 2nd story and also continues down becoming one wall of our courtyard. Is that courtyard wall their wall or a common wall?
06/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: California | #22515Can I Ignore a Claim Against Me in Another State?
I live in Ohio. Pennsylvania paid me unemployment compensation (although I never worked in Pennsylvania a company I worked for was located there), now they want some of it back claiming overpayment because I made a little money in Real Estate. I skipped a week per their instructions when I came into the money. But they claim I ran a business. Can I just ignore Pennsylvania ...
06/29/2010 | Category: Judgments » Foreign Judg... | State: Ohio | #22513What Do I Do if a Parent is Filing a False Tax return for My Child?
my former husband told my daughter (18 years old) that she has $34,500 in a UGMA. But, he will not give her any information about the account. He told her to report it on her Fafsa which she did. Prior to that I filled out the Fafsa based on my income only and qualified for grants for my daughter. He also filed a tax return in her name without her knowledge using her social ...
06/29/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Massachusetts | #22512Am I Liable for Anything on the Property After I Quit Claim it to Another Person?
I am the part owner of a townhouse in Minnesota. I live in Washington state and would like to quit claim my ownership to my brother. If I use a quit claim deed will I than have no further responsibly to the town house ie. Taxes, home owner dues etc. I am looking to have zero legal responsibilities of this property.
06/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Washington | #22511Is an Agent Liable for Nursing Home Bills When the Principal Dies?
is agent of power of attorney responsible for debt of principal after principal dies my husband and i had power of attorney for my aunt who just died in a nursing home owing over 8,000 to them. are we responsible for this debt
06/29/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Alabama | #22510If I no Longer Pay Child Support but Pay for College Can I Claim the Child as a Dependent for Taxes?
I have a 21 yr old daughter how has 1 year to go in college. My court order for support has educational coverage's well as child support but the child support has not stated end date. I have 2 other younger children (1 in college, 1 in HS) I would like to remove my 21 yr old child from the child support order and continue the educational support. From the code I've read this...
06/29/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Indiana | #22507How Do I Prove Paternity in Washington if the Father is Deceased?
My daughter's son was born 5 May 2010. The child's father was killed in a vehicular accident on 31 May 2010. Paternity has not been previously determined. What must she do in order to determine paternity, and receive benefits for her child?
06/28/2010 | Category: Paternity » DNA Test | State: Washington | #22505What is the Definition of Cohabitation in Virginia?
My wife and I have been separated from one year tomorrow. We have two children, ages 4 and 7. We used to live in FL and June of last year my wife took the girls and moved into her mom's house in VA. I made trips on average once every month to month and a half to come and see the girls. During those visits, I would stay at my mother-in-laws house and sleep in the same room a...
06/28/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #22504Is a Debt Collector Required to Record a Phone Call With a Consumer?
I am aware of a Federal or State (Colorado) statute requiring a creditor/collector to maintain a copy of phone transcripts of conversations with consumers but am unable to find 're-find' it.
06/28/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Colorado | #22503If We Buy a Forclosed Property Are We Responsible for the Past Due HOA Fees?
We have bought a condo foreclosed on by the Community Association (Hammocks community). There is no outstanding mortgage or bank involved. However, there are significant outstanding HOA fees. Are we legally repsonible for paying those?
06/28/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #22501