Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Non-Resident Executor File a Will for Probate?
In Illinois regarding Probate law: can an Executor of a Will be a non-resident and not a relative?I am in this position. I live in Colorado and contemplating filing for probate in Illinois.
03/02/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Foreign | State: Colorado | #21221What Forms Does a Terminally Ill Person Need?
My Mother has cancer and the worst has come her Doctor has told her and our Family there is nothing that can be done now. So we took her home to pass away. Mother told me she wants me to live in her home and her also told my brother her request, also she told me other another request that she did not tell my brother. She was other Children and grandchildren that I know that w...
03/01/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: California | #21214Can a Common Phrase Be Trademarked?
i want to make some t shirts to sell can i tradmark a phrase like hunt'em to put on a Tee shirt?
03/01/2010 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: Michigan | #21211Can a Person Be Sued Just to Harass That Person?
If a summons is served and the respondent has no grounds for legal action, does the defendant have any legal recourse? Can the respondent be held liable for any attorney fees? Does any mechanisms exist for preventing people from using Summons and court claims on a continual basis in order to harass a person?
02/28/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: California | #21200How Do I Defend an Animal Cruelty Charge in Florida?
Persons accidentally causes the death of the family dog and is arrested for animal cruelty. What is the right direction to go after bailing them out?
02/28/2010 | Category: Animals | State: Florida | #21198If I Move to a New State Do I Need to Make a New Trust?
I have a trust that was drafted in Calif. I now live in Wa. Do I need to do a new trust or can I just amend the one I have?The only changes are an investment change, my bank and my house.
02/27/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Washington | #21193Can a Wife Represent Her Husband in Court?
I had a dba and i closed the business they sent a notice to me and my husband because they made both of us sign lease but it was my business he cant get out of his business seminar meeting that is the same time we are summoned to court can i go for the both of us? riverside ca we received a eviction notice and then i didn't have enough time to answer so now its notice of defau...
02/27/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: California | #21190How Can I Deal With the Noise From My Neighbor's Gravel Pit?
Our neighbor has started a gravel pit. The noise is intollerable. It operates starting before dawn, and into the night, and on weekends as well. It is damaging to our mental and physical health. We have no peace. We bought our home seven years before the gravel pit began operation. We have been told by a real estate agent that the gravel pit has had a significant effect o...
02/27/2010 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Montana | #21188How Do I Get Help With Past Tax Returns?
need help with state and fed tax from 1992
02/27/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: New York | #21186Can a Company Officer Be Liable for Failing to Pay Payroll Taxes?
Enter your question an officer liable for the entire amount approx. 15% of FICA and FUTA if the corp. does not have the funds to pay all except the employer contribution
02/27/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Georgia | #21185