Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I File a Lien on Insurance Proceeds in Georgia?
A neighbor's dogs killed one of my dogs,injured another, and me. I have a judgement, but have rec'd. no payments. The neighbor's house has now burned, and arson is expected.I want to file a lien to establish rights within any sale or insurance settlement. Can you recommend a form to use?
02/24/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Georgia | #21146How do I Answer a Summons for a Cross-Complaint in California?
How can I get the forms to answer a Cross Complain Summons? Do I need a Lawyer to file? Thanks
02/24/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: California | #21140Is a Parent in New Jersey Required to Support a Child Who is 18 and Still in School?
My nephew lives in nj and was kicked out of his house. by his step-mother and father his father called me to pick him up because he stated that he had to get out of her house. I went to pick him up but what do I do legally because he is in the 11th grade and will turn 18 in three days. Is his father responsible to take care of him finacially because he is still in school?
02/24/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New Jersey | #21139Can a Clause in a Deed Prevent Property from Being Inherited by an Heir?
Can an attorney put restrictions in a deed that prevents the normal transfer of property that would occur in event of the death of the property owner to his beneficary?
02/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: South Carolina | #21130Can I Get a Nonrefundable Deposit Back Due to Inability to pay the Balance?
I put down a 5000.00 deposit on an inground pool, before any work was done, husband left me, I can no longer afford the pool, contract states deposit is non-refundable, can I get my money back?
02/23/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Pennsylvania | #21126Can a Debtor File a Satisfaction of Mortgage?
I want to cancel and release the mortgage,assignment of rents and other addendums that currently exist on the two properties I still own . The mortgage and addendums were initially secured by another property the loan was for. I later agreed to additional secure the loan when the property almost got foreclosed on and later got foreclosed upon following the mortgage being add...
02/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: Massachusetts | #21125Should I File for Divorce in Arizona or Maine?
My husband and I currently (we have been in Maine the necessary 6 months) reside in Maine, we also own property in Arizona. We have a minor daughter. We have agreed upon division of assets, debt and custody. I am immediately leaving Maine with my daughter to return to our home in Arizona, my husband agrees with this and agrees to my custody of our daughter. Should I file for...
02/23/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Maine | #21121Can an Adopted Child Inherit the Share of a Deceased Heir?
In the case of inheritance with a will that lists the living children of the deceased as heirs and disinherits the biological daughter of a deceased child, would an adopted child inherit if the parents were seperated or divorced and the deceased did not know of the adoption? The son preceded his father in death. The grandfather of the adopted child was preceded in death by hi...
02/23/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Colorado | #21120What Do I Need to Protect Myself in Setting Up an Online Business?
Starting a business, about to start the web design process. The web designers were asking how many pages and sub pages I need. So that got me thinking, what kind of legal documents do I need to be protected (disclaimer, copyright etc..). My company is a corporation that will be studying, analyzing the global economy and then issuing reports/newsletters on major economic trends ...
02/22/2010 | Category: Internet | State: California | #21111How Many Dogs Must I Have to Be Considered a Pet Dealer in New York?
Am I under the same laws as a Pet Dealer who produces 25+ puppies where I am under 25 puppies/yr? A customer did not return a puppy (with health issues) for my vet to re-examine and now wants his money back. I gave a Pet Health Guarantee with a clear health record from my vet. He refused to bring the puppy for my vet to recheck thus ignoring to honor the Pet Health Guarantee. I...
02/22/2010 | Category: Animals | State: New York | #21110