Legal Questions and Answers
If the Executor in a Will is Named Before Divorce, Is the Will Valid?
My father passed away and had an old will leaving everything to my mother and naming her as executor. They have been divorced and it is my understanding that the will is void. Is this correct? The will also list my grandmother,(my moms mom) as an alternate( so to speak) who is decesed. What happens now? How does a executor get appointed? I have a friend who said it may be my gr...
02/22/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Ohio | #21101Can a Junkyard License in New Jersey Be Revoked?
I have a junkyard liscense and have maintain it. Is there any reason I can loose my license because I know longer have property to use my license on. I have been renewing my license each year and it up to date. Is the any way my license and be taken or revoked?
02/22/2010 | Category: Licenses | State: New Jersey | #21100How Do I Terminate a Trust in Wyoming?
Parents have an irrivocable living trust. One lives in a nursing home in Lander, Wy, and the other in assisted living in Riverton,Wy. They would like to do away with the living trust since their situations have changed so much and have a simple will to take the place of the trust. What forms and steps do we need to take to accomplish this?
02/22/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Wyoming | #21099How Do I Get a Deed Corrected to Remove an Owner?
My husband and I purchased a parcel of vacant land. The seller sent us the quit claim deed with my husband, myself and another party as the owners. I didn't notice the other name because it had white out over the name. When I received the tax notice, I realized the problem, called the tax office and they said the quit claim deed would have to be resubmitted by the seller. The ...
02/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Nevada | #21095Can the Buyer Reimburse the Seller for Closing Costs in a FHA Loan?
In an real estate transaction is it legal for the buyer and seller to engage in other contract to for the buye to repay the seller closing cost paid by the seller on an FHA loan?
02/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #21072How Can I Get Back Money For Burial Expenses if the Heirs Won't File to Probate the Estate?
i would llike to replace a lien on the property of a deceased family member estate. His immediate familly (estrange children) refuses to probate his estate or become involve with his estate. My lien is for the money I used to ensure a proper burial was given I live in Georgia and the decease property is in Maryland.Need to do lien before property goes into foreclosure. Due to...
02/22/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Georgia | #21066What is the Law on Common Law Marriage in California?
Is there a de facto/common law marriage law for California between 1998-2003? If so, what is the definition of common law marriage for California residents living in Los Angeles county at that time? I am a native born US citizen now residing in New Zealand since 2003. Prior to that, my home was in CA. Thank you for answering my question on definition of common law marriage i...
02/22/2010 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: California | #21065How Do I Get a Death Certificate for a Missing Person in Oregon?
My aunt disappeared from her Oregon coast home on 01/22/09. To date, her disappearance is still a mystery. On the morning that she left, the sheriff, K-9 unit and Coast Guard could find no trace of her. She was clad in just pajamas and carried no identification. She suffered from dementia and would be 92 years old in March. The question being when is a person in this situation...
02/21/2010 | Category: Death | State: Nevada | #21064How Do I Dispute an Intestate Administration in Texas?
My father died Mar. 24, 2008, my mother did not call to tell me he was dead. There was a safe deposit box with my name on it and she has a friend at the bank that helped her remove me and put my brother on it. She has never called and no mention of a will. I was very special to my dad and she is hiding something from me. She put my brothers name on the safe deposit box and ...
02/21/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Texas | #21063Can I Ever File for Divorce Again if My Divorce Was Dismissed With Prejudice?
My lawyer dismissed my divorce case b/c I thought we were going to reconcile. He dismissed with prejudice. Does this mean i cannot ever refile?
02/21/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: New Jersey | #21062