Legal Questions and Answers
How Do We Sell Our Home and Protect Ourselves from Liability for Repair Work?
We are selling an old house in need of repairs on contract. We have had notices from the city to fix or repair the home so we turned in a offer to purchase between us and the buyer. House is titled under our LLC. What forms do we need to sell this and protect our interest as they will have friends and family helping with repairs we don't want to be liable for someone getting hu...
03/04/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Kentucky | #21251How Do I Create a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure?
Need to down load a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
03/04/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #21249What state do I file for divorce? Custody?
I live in KY & my wife & daughter are in MI. What state do I file for divorce? Custody?
03/04/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Kentucky | #21248Can a 15 Year Old Live With Friends in Michigan?
03/03/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Michigan | #21239Can an Employer Who Has Sovereign Immunity be Ordered to Give Me a Raise?
The state of Georgia has sovereign immunity under ADEA. Since I cannot get damages (back pay $100,000+) can I get relief in the form of a pay raise making me equal to my younger peers?
03/03/2010 | Category: Damages | State: Georgia | #21237Can an Employer be Sued for Not Notifying Employees of a Tuberculosis Exposure?
My employer knowingly allowed fellow instructors and students to be exposed to TB. Four students so far from class of 36 are positive for TB exposure and one instructor. The first positive case was student exposed at hospital during instruction. That was 6 mo ago, incident was documented and he continued to attend class and clinic. Now 5 are positive. I am awaiting my results, ...
03/03/2010 | Category: Negligence | State: California | #21236Can My Father's Girlfriend Inherit His Property if He Died Without a Will in Mississippi?
My father a divorcee, passed away leaving no will. His girlfriend of 12 years feels entitled to all his assets and property. She refuses to split any property and I quote 'I helped him pay for it all, so it's mine' Where can I read about my legal rights as next of kin to gain legal ground? The state of MS doesn't honor Common Law Marriages, so does she have any legal rights or...
03/03/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: California | #21235Can I Collect Overtime if I Violated a Non-Compete Agreement?
I am working in Canada for a company based out of north carolina. My contract states that we are binded by all north carolina labor laws here in canada. He has a no competition clause that i can't do business or any such advertising for his clients which is Suncor energy. I left his company and i am working for another contractor here at Suncor. I am not working for Suncor thou...
03/03/2010 | Category: Employment » NonCompete A... | State: Texas | #21229What Type of Notice of Violation Does a Homeowner Association Need to Provide?
does a hoa that puts important information at my door when they know I will not be home to get it have the wright to get away with 1) I left my home due to gas leak in my home. I was ill and had to leave quickly. The next day they left notice on two of my cars would be towed. The cars were towed and sold due to me not claiming them. I left my my house again they claimed my fir...
03/02/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: California | #21226Does My Landlord Have to Prorate the Rent if I Leave Before the Month is Up?
We paid a full month rent at the begining of our lease. The lease was not signed until the 10th and states in the lease that we did not take possession until the 14th. Does the landlord owe us now that we have ended our lease and moved out a pro-rated rent for the first month. At the end he asked if we could be out by the 20th of the month so that he could do some remodeling to...
03/02/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Utah | #21223