Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Stay Foreclosure of Homesteaded Property?
I need a stay order in connection with a high constable sale of my property as a result of a levy. I need to get this stay based on the homestead exemptions for me as well as my wife. In addition, my wife has an ongoing chapter 11 case. At least half of the items listed on the high constable sale are hers. Please help.
06/17/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Virginia | #17041How Do I Start a Medical Malpractice Claim in North Carolina?
How do I go in front of a judge to complain about about a medical malpractice case? I have to be heard; it's a matter of life and death. I need surgeries.
06/17/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: North Carolina | #17025Is it a Crime to Alter an Affidavit in Florida?
An altered affidavit of a warranty deed 10 days after sworn resulted in the tax sale of my property. Is it a crime to alter an affidavit?
06/17/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Florida | #17024Can I Not Refund the Security Deposit for A Breach of Lease by Tenant Smoking?
My tenant violated the lease by smoking in the home. Is this a breach of contract and cause for not receiving any of the security deposit back?
06/17/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Virginia | #17022Termination of Tenancy from week to week
Facts: I am the 'landlord' renting a room(s) from my home for extra income at a weekly rate, all utilities included, (without a lease, but I do write receipts).The receipt is written as a roommate contribution for 1 weeks stay. My roommates do not have access to the entire house, only their room and the shared bathroom. They have a fridge and microwave in their room for sandwic...
06/17/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Alabama | #17020Vacating Judgment in California
Orange County Superior Court, civil judgment. Question on California state law: Although customary to file warrant of satisfaction, is it permissible under California State Law to dismiss the case and vacate the judgment if the plaintiff agrees to sign stipulation prepared by California attorney, who also prepares respective order for the court?
06/16/2009 | Category: Judgments | State: California | #17016How Effective is an Objection to a Minor's Name Change?
My daughter - 15 years old wants to change her last name to her step-father's name. I am opposed until she turns 18 and then she can do what she wants. I have always paid the child support as regulated tried to maintain all visitation rights, and my-Ex wants me to continue to pay child support as directed in the papers. My daughter moved state to state with my-ex for about t...
06/16/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Washington | #17014Can Heirs Transfer Property Without a Realtor in California?
my husband hired an administrator to take care of things while his parents estate goes through probate, after probate is finished can we buy out the other siblings that want to sell the home or will we have to purchase the home through a Realtor? The administrator wants to apply my husbands inheritance money to the home and make the purchase through a Relator
06/16/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #17013How Do I Create a Guardianship for my Adult Child in Arizona?
I have a daughter that is 40 but has the mind of a 13 year old. How do I go about becoming her legal guardian?
06/16/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Arizona | #17008Is the Seller Liable For Water Damage in Basement that was Denied on Disclosure Form?
Seller stated on disclosure form that she had no knowledge of any water intrusion, damage, etc., in the basement of home. Since the basement was mostly finished area with carpeting, furniture and electronics, buyer accepted this statement as true and did not have that aspect of the home inspected. Buyer closed on home on a Wednesday evening and took possession on that Friday ...
06/16/2009 | Category: Real Property » Seller's Dis... | State: Ohio | #17002