Legal Questions and Answers
What is the law regarding common law marriage and status to file taxes?
If two persons (male & female) are living together in Texas and satisfy the common law marriage requirement; must they file Federal Income Tax returns jointly or can they continue to filing as unmarried (single)? Please note on my question that I am looking for 'must I' versus 'can I' on the answer.
04/06/2009 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: Illinois | #15893As Power of Attorney can my wife change the locks on her mother's home without families permission?
My wife has Power of Attorney for her mother. Her half sister is on the papers only if something happens to my wife. Can my wife change the locks on her mother's house and tell her sister to return her mothers car? The sister is doing what she wants and not recognizing. My wife's Mother is in a nursing home after a stroke.
04/06/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Maryland | #15892Does the man who established he is not my son's father have any rights to my child?
The man who has established paternity is not my son's biological father and he wants partial custody, once I prove that he is not his biological father. Can his biological father claim his rights?
04/06/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Pennsylvania | #15891What is a remodification of my loan?
My house was going into foreclosure. I applied for remodification and they said I qualified, but the remodification person never contacted me. In fact, I have never ever spoke to this person. What do I need to do to ensure my house is not foreclosed on?
04/05/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: New Mexico | #15890Can a person plead not guilty and a judge defer adjudication and then sentence someone?
Can a person be found not guilty during a hearing before a judge, and then the judge withhold adjudication and sentence that person to probation?
04/05/2009 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Florida | #15889Limited Power of Attorney Given to Real Estate Agent
I am selling my timeshare which is located in Arizona through a title company located in Florida and have been asked to sign a limited power of attorney so the 'agent' can act on my behalf in the transaction. The form I have been asked to sign grants the agent powers 'including, but not limited to, the power and authority to execute any instruments necessary to close the transa...
04/05/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Colorado | #15888Am I still entitled to alimony even though I cohabitated with someone who is now deceased?
I am divorced and have received alimony and child support. I was in a 4 year relationship with a friend, who became ill and moved in with me, although he did not give up his prior living arrangement. He contributed half for rent, groceries and utilities, etc. so as not to impose on me, since I was receiving alimony and child support. Within about 9 months he died from cancer. ...
04/05/2009 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Tennessee | #15886What are my rights if the customer violated the contract for work?
I have a customer that I have done renovation work in the past and had no problems with price agreements. This particular project I am currently working on has become dragged out too far. She has had other contractors give their opinion. I was asked to wait for her to make another decision after another. She has delayed this project so far on her own and is putting the blame on...
04/04/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: New York | #15885Can the Board of Supervisors assess my property at 35% below it appraised value?
Regarding my property in the Michigan, the Board of Supervisors assessed my property at 35% less than my property is worth. Is this assessment legal or not?
04/04/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Michigan | #15884Is there a way to challenge a Power of Attorney if it is beign misused?
Is there a way to fight a power of attorney if you believe it was done to gain access to an elderly family members money?
04/04/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #15883