Legal Questions and Answers
What are the requirements to become emancipated and is a parent's consent needed?
My son is 19 and lives in Illinois with his father. His girlfriend will turn 18 this October. Her mother is dead and her father has been in and out of prison. Her guardian is an aunt. According to my son, the aunt gets money from the State that should go towards the girl but doesn't. The girl works and has been living at different places. My son and girlfriend want to move in ...
03/10/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Michigan | #15519Laws Involving Emancipated Minors in Kentucky
What are the laws concerning 'emancipated minors' in the state of Kentucky?
03/10/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Kentucky | #15518Does my daughter need a tax ID to get sponsored by large companies
My daughter is 13. She has a few large companies interested in Sponsoring her in her equestrian sport. she is willing to acknowledge them by displaying their logos on polos, trailer, etc.... Does she need a tax ID? A special account? Can these companies get a tax break for marketing, since she is not a charity or non-profit? We have already prepared a cover letter, proposal and...
03/10/2009 | Category: Corporations » Sponsorships | State: California | #15516What Type of Bond is Needed for my Children to Visit Me in Another State?
My Children live in Washington State. I Now live in California. I want to see my two kids, but my ex wife said I need to get a Bond. Were can I get one?
03/10/2009 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: California | #15515Getting MIP removed from record
My daughter received a MIP in her dorm room in 2004. She was 18. Can she petition to get it removed from her record?
03/10/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Michigan | #15514How to Terminate Apartment Lease When Dealing with Poor Management
I signed a lease at an apartment complex in Clarksville, TN, that expired August 14, 2008, after which it turned to a month-to-month lease. However, toward the end of June, while I was out of the country, the management with which I had signed the lease went bankrupt. A new management took over the complex, saying that the old management hadn't left any tenant leases behind and...
03/10/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: ALL | #15513Disiplinary Action from Employer by Not Attending Training Seminar
I recently received notice of a disciplinary action and possible loss of pay at my job. The reason was because I did not attend a training class. I work nights exclusively and the time of the class was during the day. I felt too physically exhaused to even try to participate. PLEASE......let me know if I have any recourse if these guys try to fire me!
03/10/2009 | Category: Employment | State: ALL | #15512Municipality Requiring I Repair Sidewalk on Property Adjacent to me that I do not Own
I am being required to repair sidewalks adjacent to a property I own. How can a municipality tell you to repair property that is not owned by you and is not a legal part of your deed?
03/10/2009 | Category: Government | State: ALL | #15511Is it legal for Rec Football League to Forbid a Coach from Scouting on Public Property
Is it legal for a Recreational Youth Football League to forbid coaches from 'scouting' another football team's public game, being conducted on public property? The League is threatening the violating coach with removal from the league.
03/10/2009 | Category: Civil Rights | State: ALL | #15510Contingency Contract on a home after divorce
We have a legal separation with final divorce in November. Our home is on the market. I would like to sign a 'Contingency Contract on a home that I would like to purchase, can I do this?
03/10/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: ALL | #15508