Legal Questions and Answers
What is needed to evict a tenant for non payment?
I need all of the forms to file with the court to evict a tenant for non payment of rent.
01/15/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Missouri | #15007What are the repercussions if I give an unlisted business number to someone?
I was the sole consultant for an out-of-state company and now they no longer need my services but do not have a contact person in this area, and there are several ongoing projects that I was involved in and I am being asked for contact information of this company. They have an unlisted phone number. If I give out this number without the company's permission, are there for ...
01/15/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Florida | #15006Is an oral contract legally binding?
I entered into an oral contract with a bar owner to take over a kitchen in his bar to provide food for the customers. The bar owner said he wanted to open on a certain date and I bought equipment and was ready to perform before that time. The bar owner didn't get things done in time, so he put off the time of opening to the last week of December. I changed my holiday schedule a...
01/15/2009 | Category: Contracts » Oral | State: Nevada | #15005If my father gifted his home to me before his death and I sold it, who is responsible for taxes?
'Gift in Contemplation of Death.'What are the legal/tax ramifications for giver and receiver in the following; My father, who lived in Okla, recently deeded (gave) his house to me because of his rapidly failing health. Ownership of the house was transferred to me. I then sold the house for $85,000 to use the funds for his nursing home bills. My father died shortly after givi...
01/15/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #15004Do I have the right to withhold a portion of the rent equal to the repair cost?
I am renting a house and recently paid to repair the refrigerator that belongs to the landlord. He is refusing to reimburse me for the repair cost. Our lease clearly states that the landlord is responsible for repairs in the home. The landlord is claiming that I am responsible for keeping the house in the same condition as when I moved in. Do I have the right to withhold a ...
01/15/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Missouri | #15003What form is needed to remove my son's name from my property deed?
I want to remove my son's name from my property deed so I may have a senior discount on taxes, what form do I use?
01/15/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: New York | #15002What is needed to start a truste fund for a deceased friend's child?
We have a group of friends that would like to establish a 'trust fund' for the daughter of a deceased friend. Her mother is financially irresponsible, and we would like to do this for her future needs like college, wedding, or home. I have been researching this and it seems a little confusing. Will it take hiring an attorney to do this? We would like to save costs and file thin...
01/15/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Michigan | #15001What can I do legally if my sister has invaded my privacy affecting my mental health?
I made a private statement to my sister and she made it public knowledge. I never want to hurt anybody and by her disclosing this information and telling this at my new place of employment and telling my new boss personal and private information about me, I am harassed in and out if work and can not leave my house without people knowing who I am and knowing my most deepest thou...
01/15/2009 | Category: Mental Health | State: Massachusetts | #14996How do I word in the divorce if I am getting custody with no child suport as agreed by both parties?
I am the father of a child. If the mother and I agree that I should have 100% custody and that I do not want any child support, how do I relay that information in the final decree?
01/15/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Texas | #14995How does my mother add my name to her deed?
My Mom is the sole name on her deed for property that is paid in full. She wants to add my name to the deed and also make it a sole survivorship deed. How does she do this and is a lawyer necessary or can this be handled at the court house with or without a notarized statement. I will be moving in to help take care of her. In an addition, I will have to be added to accommodate ...
01/15/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Alabama | #14994