Legal Questions and Answers
How do I become legal guardian of my two younger sisters if I have my parents permission?
How do I obtain a form to be a legal guardian of my two teenage sisters? I do have my parents permission. If you could help me with this subject by sending all related information about the whole process.
11/09/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Texas | #11934Where can I find a form to file a resistance to the Objection for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
Where can I find a form to file a resistance to the Objection for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nebraska?
11/08/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Nebraska | #11919How long does a person have to contest a will?
How long does a person have to contest a will?
11/08/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Indiana | #11916Can post-nuptial agreements be made legal and enforceable in Oregon?
Can post-nuptial agreements be made legal and enforceable in Oregon?
11/08/2007 | Category: Marriage » PostMarital ... | State: Nevada | #11915Can I divorce my mom and dad if I am 16?
Can I divorce my mom and step dad? I want to live on my own. I am 16 and I can not take living in the house with my step dad.
11/08/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #11913Do I have the right to vote if I am a convicted felon?
Do I have the right to vote? I am a convited felon.
11/08/2007 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Ohio | #11911How do you determine what is "normal wear and tear" on a rental property?
In 2006 we spent about $45,000 remodeling our house and then rented it to a family that proceeded to damage much of what we replaced. New bath fixtures, cooktop controls, carpet, tile, and others...a total of about $15,000 My question, how do you determine what is "normal wear and tear" and what is damage?
11/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #11910What is the percentage that rent can be raised at one time?
My wife and I rent an apt. Three months ago our former landlord sold the house we live in. Our rent was $275.00 per month. We never had a lease with the prior owners. The new landlord never asked for a lease agreement. In October this year, the new landlord told us that the rent was to be increased from $275.00 to $350.00 per month. Can she increase the rent by that much of a p...
11/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Pennsylvania | #11909What are the requirements for a 17 year old to become emancipated?
My son has a friend and he is 17 and his mother and father are deceased and lives with his grandmother and wants to move out and move into our home. His grandmother had full custody of him, and will not let him leave home. If he does she is threatning him by telling him she is going to call the law. What can we do? Can he leave home?
11/08/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Alabama | #11906Can we revoke the easement to the driveway if the neighbor continues to fight over the driveway?
we have a problem with our driveway and our neighbor. The driveway is on our property and when we bought the house we gave an esenment to the house below us. We have not had a problem until now. We have ask the person in the house not to block the driveway. Or drive on our property. But they will not listen. We have sent a legel letter to the owner of the house about the ...
11/08/2007 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Ohio | #11905