Legal Questions and Answers
Is there a way for my younger sister to live with me legally?
My sister is 15 and no longer wants to live with my parents. She wants to live with me, so how would she do that if our parents will not let her?
11/08/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Michigan | #11881Is it possible for me to become emancipated even though I have bipolar disorder and am on medication
I am a 16 year old boy turning 17 on soon and I want to be emancipated. I am on medications and I have bipolar disorder. I am not a danger to myself or to those around me. I am pretty much stable. I do not rely on noone but myself and I go to therepy once a week and take my medications by myself. Can I be emancipated because my environment in my house is really uncomfortable fo...
11/08/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New York | #11879Can I get divorced if I have not seen or heard from my husband in twenty one years?
What is the requirement for legal divorce in the state of Mississippi if you have not seen or heard from your spouse in twenty one years?
11/07/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Mississippi | #11853How would I obtain guardianship of my mother since her health is failing?
My mother had cranial surgery for an aneurysm several years ago. The primary deficit now is memory impairment, confusion, and impaired judgment that has caused her to complete various forms that left her with no medicl insurance, interfered with her income, and now is threatening to remove her from exemption from rent increases. Sometimes she gets confused with her medications...
11/07/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: New York | #11852How old does a child have to be to become emancipated in North Caroline?
At what age can a child move out of the family home without being a runaway in North Carolina or without parent's consent ?
11/07/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Oklahoma | #11846What are the requirements for me to become emancipated if I am 16?
I am a 16 year old girl living with my father and stepmother. I am having a difficult time living with my parents. There's too much stress and we do not get along at all. Is there anyway I can be emancipated?
11/07/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Iowa | #11831Can I collect alimony from my husband if he was caught cheating?
Can I collect alimony from my husband if he was caught cheating?
11/07/2007 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: ALL | #11826Is it legal to own online gaming tournament website?
I am planing to start an online gaming tournament website and wanted to know how it would be legal for me to charge players an entry fee without it being considered gambling.
11/07/2007 | Category: Internet | State: New York | #11824Can I terminate the lease if the repairs where not done properly and still get my deposit back?
I discovered a leak under my kitchen sink that had been leaking for sometime and finally the water came up throught the flooring into my kitchen and living room. Mold started to grow immediately. After being out of my rental trailer for over a week the repairs have been done. However the repairs do not look the same as to when I rented the trailer. The repairs done were not to ...
11/07/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Tennessee | #11823Is hit and run with leaving the scene of an accident a felony or misdemeanor?
Is hit and run leaving the scene of an accident with no personal injuries. It was a first offense, so is this a felony or misdemeanor and what is likely penalty?
11/07/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Florida | #11821