Legal Questions and Answers
How do I force my landlord to clean up the property because it is a health hazard?
I have a slumlord who will not clean up my apartment building. I have asked him to clean the apartment up and told him that I have had roaches for 5 months. He came and sprayed my apartment with a chemical but they have not gone away. There is garbage all around my apartment and dog feces in the backyard also in the backyard he has broken down cars and car parts. I have three s...
11/02/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Connecticut | #11467What is an affidavit of domicile?
What is an affidavit of domicile?
11/02/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Texas | #11465What are the requirements to become emancipated?
I am 16 years old and I have been in foster care for almost 10 years. My foster parents drink all the time, they are very hypocritical, and they make me feel emotionally unstable. Is it possible that I can get emancipated in this situaion?
11/02/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #11464Do I have to show up in person to fill out a pistol permit or can I download a form online?
Do I have to show up in person to fill out a pistol permit, or can I download a form online, fill it out, and turn it in to the courthouse? Also, what information will I need to bring with me when I turn in the application (driver's license, car tag number, etc.)?
11/02/2007 | Category: Forms | State: Alabama | #11461What Constitutes a Fence
What constitutes a fence? Is a row of potted cacti stacked 2 big pots high and touching each other considered a fence? They cannot be passed through nor stepped over and therefore serve the same purpose as a fence. This is in a residential area that does not permit fences. The cacti and other plants are on the very exterior edge of the entire lot.
11/02/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Arizona | #11457In Texas can a 20 year old male be charged with statutory rape if his girlfriend is 17 years of age?
In Texas can a 20 year old male be charged with statutory rape if his girlfriend is 17 years of age? I've been reading that the age of consent in Texas is 17 but I would really appreciate a dirext answer also could the parents of the 17 year old press statutory rape charges on the male if they are in a relationship?
11/02/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Texas | #11453What are the laws pertaining to tenant notices?
What are the laws pertaining to tenant notices? I keep hearing about 3-day, 7-day, 30-day notices, but can only find notices which apply to the eviction process. Please advise.
11/02/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Georgia | #11446How long must a couple live together before they are considered common law married?
How long must a couple live together before they are considered common law married?
11/01/2007 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: Texas | #11442What are the requirements to become emancipated?
I'm sixteen years old, seventeen on April 7th. I live with my two younger siblings, my overly stressed mother, and my alcoholic father. I've been struggling with growing depression for about six years. I've been thinking about becoming emancipated for a while now, and I'm even looking into places to live. Do you believe I will get my wish for emancipation granted? I have a stea...
11/01/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Florida | #11440How do I gain Power of Attorney over my grandmother who has dementia?
What kind of form should I use if you have a grandparent in the nursing home and she has dementia? My mother was her legal guardian but she has passed. What can I do to become power of attorney over her?
11/01/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Georgia | #11435