Legal Questions and Answers
What forms are needed to file for legal separation if we have a child together?
I need to know what I need to do to file for a legal seperation from my spouse. We do have a child together and I have 2 from another relationship. What forms will I need? How does the process work? Is there a website to print the forms from that are free of charge?
11/01/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Colorado | #11392Where do I need to go to change my last name and how much does it cost?
Where do I need to go to change my last name and how much does it cost?
11/01/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Florida | #11391I was not sure how to answer the question regarding previous criminal history on my job application
I had the following question on a job application: Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offense. I have been convicted of a Misdemeanor, so I was not sure how to answer the question.
11/01/2007 | Category: Employment | State: California | #11389What is my obligation to child support for my 19 year old son who is in college?
My 19 year old son is a full time college student and chose to move out of his mothers house and move into an apartment with a friend. Should I still be paying child support on him or has he emancipated himself?
11/01/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New York | #11388Is endangering the welfare of a child in the third degree a felony or misdemeanor?
Is endangering the welfare of a child in the third degree a felony or misdemeanor?
10/31/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: New Jersey | #11367What is the sentence for possession of a controlled substance under 1 gram first time drug offense?
What is the minimum and maximum sentence in the state of Texas for possession of a controlled substace under 1 gram first time drug offense?
10/31/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Texas | #11365What is the process for my child's father to sign over his parental rights?
What if the father wants to voluntarily sign his rights away from the child, but he signed the birth certificate. He wants nothing more to do with the child. What forms would I need for him to sign. Do I have to have a lawyer to do it or can I do it myself and how would we make it legal?
10/31/2007 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Mississippi | #11364What are the requirements for having your criminal record expunged?
I was arrested 3 times total, once for public intox and twice for OWI in the state of Indiana. I was 19 years old at the time of all 3 arrests. I signed a plea agreement, resulting in only one OWI being recorded on my record. I am now 24, a full time student with a 4.0 GPA and a mother, pursuing a career in accounting. I have changed my life completely and I would really li...
10/31/2007 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Indiana | #11362If someone secures a credit card in a ficticous name and pays the card, is this fraud?
A person using a fictious name (fictious person for name does not exist}receives a credit card offer for the fictious person and accepts.He then uses the card and makes monthly payments to the account.Does this become fraud and can it result in a legal arrest without a complaint by the card provider.
10/31/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Florida | #11359How and where do I get a quiet title form?
How and where do I get a quiet title form?
10/31/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: Arkansas | #11356