Legal Questions and Answers
What are the requirements for emancipation?
I want to be emancipated but I do not know very much about it. What are the requirements for emancipation?
10/30/2007 | Category: Minors ยป Emancipation... | State: Michigan | #11238When and/or is a gift of money considered as part of gross income?
When and/or is a gift of money considered as part of gross income?
10/30/2007 | Category: Gifts | State: Massachusetts | #11233What are my rights as a tenant if the property has been zoned commercial?
My husband and I signed a 1 year lease with a rental company. We have been in this house going on six months. I just recieved a letter stating that they recieved a letter in the mail from the commisioners office stating that the property is commercial property only and we have 30 days to vacate the property. What rights do I have as the renter, in terms of the deposit and compi...
10/29/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Louisiana | #11223What age can a child decide to spend more time with the noncustodial parent?
What age can a child decide to spend more time with the noncustodial parent even if there is a joint custody agreement?
10/29/2007 | Category: Minors | State: New Mexico | #11222Can a Friend Become Ordained and Preside over our Wedding
In the state of Illinois, is it legal to have a friend get ordained and preside over your wedding?
10/29/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Illinois | #11219I am a student and need to know if a contract becomes void due to illegal activity?
I am a student and need to know if a contract becomes void due to illegal activity? Does it involve comission of a crime? Has a crime been committed by either party since the contract has been labled illegal? Why or why not?
10/29/2007 | Category: Contracts | State: Florida | #11217Is there a form used for Long Arm Statue?
Is there a form used for Long Arm Statue?
10/29/2007 | Category: Forms | State: Louisiana | #11216If you get arrested for shoplifiting do they have to wait until you get outside of the store?
If you get arrested for shoplifiting do they have to wait until you get outside of the store?
10/29/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Mississippi | #11215What is the process for evicting month-to-month tenants?
We gave verbal notice to out tenants to end the month to month lease. They did not have the rent for October and have not paid as of today. We need to serve written notice. Do I need to do a 30 day notice or can it be less?
10/29/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #11212Can a 19 year old face charges for getting his 15 year old girlfriend pregnant
My friend is pregnant and 15. The dad is 19 now, but he was 18 when she got pregnant. She is worried that if she goes along with the pregnancy, the father will get in trouble and go to prison as a sex offender. I have been trying to help her find information, but we both keep hearing 3 or 4 different things. We even found on the internet that Indiana will not prosecute if they ...
10/29/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Indiana | #11207