Legal Questions and Answers
Is it legal for teachers to punch a time clock if they are on salary?
Is is legal for teachers to clock in on a time clock since we sign a contract and are salary?
10/30/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Georgia | #11274What are the requirements to become emancipated?
I am 17 and my home life is a wreck. What will it take for me to get emancipated?
10/30/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Texas | #11273What is the Kennedy-Kassembaum Health Care Portability Act?
What is the Kennedy-Kassembaum Health Care Portability Act?
10/30/2007 | Category: Healthcare | State: Kansas | #11272What exactly is subsidence rights?
The coal mine wants to buy my subsidence rights. The subsidence rights are for my family owned business. What exactly is subsidence rights?
10/30/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: West Virginia | #11269Can my landlord have me locked out if I do not pay in three days?
I failed to pay all of my rent and my landlord served me with a 3 day pay or quit and he says I only have those 3 days to move or the sheriff will lock me out. Can he do that and he is asking me to pay more than I owe him.
10/30/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #11266What are my options to force my landlord into making electrical repairs?
I am in a 1 year lease on a rental house, the central air/ heat has never worked and now we have no electric in the main bathroom, the hallway and one of the bedrooms. The owner told us if anything went wrong while we were renting, we had to pay to fix it. I think the house had not been wired correctly/ or by a real electrician. Do we have to pay to get the wiring & heat/air r...
10/30/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Oregon | #11263Can I keep my grandson and not return him to his mother since she has neglected him?
My grandson is with us now visiting. We are expected to return him to his home this week. His mother has been reported to CPS on several occations and now our family doctor has gotten involved and also reported her to CPS for not seeking medical care for him due to an illness. His mother has also threatened my son saying that she would take the baby to Mexico and leave him ...
10/30/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Texas | #11260What is a motion for sanctions?
What is a motion for sanctions? Is this filed against a lawyer or a client?
10/30/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Illinois | #11257Is my friend's daughter considered emancipated since she became pregnant?
My friend's daughter became pregnant, carried the baby to almost full term, but lost the baby before. My question is: because of this, is she considered emancipated, due to the pregnancy, or is her mother still her guardian? The Dr. said due to the pregnancy, she was now emancipated.
10/30/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Texas | #11254What is my son's aunt asking for when she wants guardianship for insurance purposes?
My son's Aunt from his father's side wants guardianship for insurance purposes What exactly does that mean? "FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES". I trust her dear by flesh, etc. but confused on what exactly is she asking and what rights do I have as a MOTHER(preferred) not with my son out of an EMERGENCY CRISIS here in the USA? Also what is it called when I have no custody or anything wit...
10/30/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Arizona | #11243