Legal Questions and Answers
What are the penalties for terminating a lease early if there have been problems from the start?
I spoke with a rental manager in person. Explained I was new to the area. I asked if it was a nice, low crime, and quiet neighborhood, and she assured me it was! I requested a 2bdrm apt. She said they had one. I went to look at #614, and said fine, I would go to the bank and be right back, as she said they had to have a money order. When I returned, 20 min later, she said it r...
10/31/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #11355What does "federal and state statutory purposes" mean?
What does "federal and state statutory purposes" mean? My ex-wife is the custodial parent of one of my sons for "federal and state statutory purposes," while I am of the other. We both have "joint decision making" and "equal custodial time" with the children. There is absolutely nothing said in the court papers about "joint legal or physical custody", just the above descript...
10/31/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: West Virginia | #11354What is the most a landlord can charge for a late fee?
We pay $620 for rent per month but if we are late there is a $10.00 charge for every day, so if we are late for 30 days it's $300. I have heard that the landlord can only charge 10% of what your rent is that month. Could you all let me know if I have to pay this late fee for sept 2007.
10/31/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Ohio | #11352What are the requirements to become emancipated?
I just turned 17 and I live in Marion Indiana, and my mom and I argue all the time. My dad has nothing to do with me unless I am in trouble, and my mom is always wanting to kick me out of the house. When she says that she is kicking me out she turns around and says if I don't return home she will report me as a runaway. Is there anyway that I could be emancipated? I have a job ...
10/31/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Indiana | #11347What are the requirements to become emancipated?
What are the steps for a minor age 17 to take to get emancipation. Mother was arrested for drugs and 17 yr. old went to TX to live with sister in the military who is separating from the military in a week or so and refuses to take the 17 yr. old with her to South Carolina. The 17 yr. olds mother doesn't want her to come back to her and wants the 17 yr. old to go on her own and ...
10/31/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Texas | #11346When the law states a crime that affects the elderly what is the minimum age for the elderly person?
When the law states a crime that affects the elderly, what is the minimum age for the elderly person?
10/31/2007 | Category: Criminal » Elderly Abuse | State: Colorado | #11342If I have not renewed my lease, what type of notice should I give when moving?
I am a tenant and I was on a 6 month lease and the landlord never came to sign a new lease and I have been here two months with no lease. I want to move. Do I have to give notices?
10/31/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #11338Where do I get the form to request a continuance for a hearing?
Where do I get the form to request a continuance for a hearing?
10/31/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Arizona | #11331Is it possible to have a document to release financial liablity of each other in a marriage?
Is it possible to have a document drawn up to release financial liablity of each other in a marriage. My husband and I would like to have a legal document stating that either party can be held financially responsible or liable in the event the other is in a accident for example. Can we release each other of be held responsible for the actions or result of the actions of each ...
10/31/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: California | #11327What is the maximum sentence for the following crimes: use child dsp sx, Cont Sex Del Minor?
What is the maximum sentence a judge can hand down for the following crimes: use child dsp sx, Cont Sex Del Minor?
10/31/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Oregon | #11325