Legal Questions and Answers
What is an appropriate amount of time to wait on my ex-husband when exchanging the kids?
My ex-husband and I have standard divorce decree. If he does not pick up the kids at the appropriate time scheduled in our decree, do I have to wait around for him? He has not seen them in about a month to 2 months.
10/05/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Texas | #9732How can my mother remain in the lease that she and her now ex-boyfriend signed?
My Mother is currently renting a house in Waterloo, IA. She has a signed lease with her boyfriend. They broke up this weekend so my Mother informed the landlord that he was going to move out. The landlord told her that she is giving her the until November 1st to move out because she has broke her lease agreement. My Mother has the money to pay for the remainder of the lease...
10/05/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Iowa | #9730Is the landlord liable for anything we do not have renter insurance on?
we just had a major leak that flooded with 1in of water in the master bedroom and bath and other 2 rooms and part of the hall we have to remove all of our furniture in all 3 rooms and dining room and we can not stay in the house they are going to check for mold and tear the walls out up to 2 feet tear all the linoelum floor tile out because abestos the floor is really old Ar...
10/05/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: California | #9729Where can I find an imminization waiver so I can put my son in daycare?
I need to get a imminization waiver so I can put my son in daycare. We practice natural health and do not immunize or vaccinate.
10/05/2007 | Category: Forms | State: Arizona | #9727What is the penalty for the third drunk driving charge?
I would like to knowwhat is the penalty for the third drunk driving. I am asking this question for a friend.
10/05/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Wisconsin | #9722How do I get my marriage annulled if it was an abuse of spiritual authority?
I recently seperated from my husband. I have been meeting with a counselor. She asked me about why we were married so fast and about the circumstances surrounding my marriage. We realized it was abuse of spiritual authority. I looked up the reasons for an annulment in Pennsylvania and what happened to me would go under undue influence. Where do I go from here.
10/05/2007 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: Pennsylvania | #9716What are the sentence for escape 3rd degree in Alabama?
What are the sentence for escape 3rd degree in Alabama?
10/05/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Alabama | #9712Do you have to have a mediator for divorce if you both spouses agree upon everything?
Do you have to have a mediator for divorce if you both spouses agree upon everything?
10/05/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Indiana | #9709Can a bill collector legally change your name on your credit report?
If I change my name can the collector change it in the system or do they have to make my new name an AKA or NKA since the debt was incurred under another name?
10/05/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Ohio | #9708What is the legal defention of simple assault?
What is the legal defention of simple assault? And if a person runs another person over intentionally with his or her moter vechilce what laws would that person be braking
10/05/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Pennsylvania | #9707