Legal Questions and Answers
Can you be considered divorced if you are living in a different house for about 1 year?
Can someone be considered divorce if you are living in a different house for about 1 year in the state of New Jersey? How does the divorce work in this state?
06/21/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: New Jersey | #6571Are you supposed to get yearly interest on your security deposit?
Are you supposed to get yearly interest on your security deposit?
06/20/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Maryland | #6558What is the legal age in Indiana to get a tattoo?
What is the legal age in Indiana to get a tattoo?
06/20/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Indiana | #6557Are the utility companies granted easements without the property owners permission?
I own property that has utility poles on the land however there is no easement for the poles. Are the utility companies granted easements without the property owners permission?
06/20/2007 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Georgia | #6550Is my daughter's boyfriend bound to the terms of their oral agreement to pay half of utilities?
My daughter and her boyfriend moved in together. They agreed to split the rent and utilities. Both names are on the lease for the apartment. She put the cable in her name and he put the utilities in his name with the agreement that she would pay him the difference between the cable and utilities. He decided after 6 weeks he did not want to live in Tallahassee and returned t...
06/20/2007 | Category: Contracts » Oral | State: Florida | #6549How do you change your power of attorney?
if I give a person power of attorney and I decide to designate someone else later must my lawyer notify the first person that they no longer have power of attorny?
06/20/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Florida | #6547Do I still have to pay my mortgage while the Army send me to war?
If the U.S Army deploys a resident to Iraq for 1 year, will he be expected to pay his lease, or can he be released from the obligation of the lease, without being sued when he returns home from war.
06/19/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #6534What, if anything, is my wife entitled to as far as assets from the sale of my first home?
I owned a home in Texas for 6 years prior to marriage. After I married, I sold the home and purchased a new home in Colorado with SOME of the money from the sale of my first home. My wife of 5 months now wants a divorce. What, if anything, is she entitled to as far as assets from the sale of my first home?
06/19/2007 | Category: Husband and Wife | State: Colorado | #6527Would my father's half of my grandparents estate pass to his next of kin since he is deceased?
My grandparents passed away recently and their estate is being taken care of by my uncles. My father passed away 10 years ago and we are his next of kin. Unless it is specifically stated in the will that the estate goes to my uncles (the only surviving children to my grandparents), should my brother and I receive what would be my fathers share? 1/3rd of the estate.
06/18/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Delaware | #6519Can you explain Nomination of Conservator for My Person, and Nomination of Conservator for My Estate means?
I have received copies of documents prepared for my mother, including Living Trust, Will and others. There are two documents that confuse me - Nomination of Conservator for My Person, and Nomination of Conservator for My Estate. (I am named in both of these, but the alternate conservators are different on each). Can you explain what these mean?
06/18/2007 | Category: Conservatorship | State: California | #6518