Legal Questions and Answers
What is driving under suspension in Connecticut?
What is driving under suspension in Connecticut?
06/22/2007 | Category: Drivers License | State: Connecticut | #6629Can the Mother of my child of 16 years of age take my child and move out of town even though we have joint custody?
Can the Mother of my child of 16 years of age take my child and move out of town even though we have joint custody?
06/22/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: California | #6624When a tenant is on a month to month basis, are they required to give notice before moving?
When you have a tenant that is on a month to month basis, are they required to give notice to the landlord before they move or can they just pick up and leave after telling you a week before they intend to move?
06/22/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Iowa | #6620What are the grounds for which a landlord can legally terminate your lease?
I signed a one year lease in Jan 2007 when my landlord rented me her condo because her husband, who is in the Army, was sent to Kansas. Now her husband has been sent to Iraq and she moved back to California. She can't find a rental that will allow for her dogs so she said she has to break our lease and move back into her condo. Is this legal in the state of California? I k...
06/22/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #6618Am I entitled to my deposit back if I broke the lease early but left the property in great condition
I signed a six month lease, but I moved out two months into the lease. However, prior to moving out I talked to the landlord and gave a 30 day written notice. The landlord also did a walk-through inspection, and thanked me for keeping everything clean. It's been 40 days and I have not heard from the landlord, in regards to the deposit that I paid. Am I still entitled to the...
06/22/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #6616Can a person file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy within 2 years after filing a Chapter 7?
Can a person file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy within 2 years after filing a Chapter 7?
06/22/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Tennessee | #6613How do I get a DNA test to see if I am the father?
My girlfriend and I were together for three years and had a son ten months ago. Now she has a new boyfriend that has alredy went through a bad battle for his kids and lost. He keeps telling her what to do because he does not trust me but all I want to do is see my son. I've given them no reason not to trust me. Now she is telling me that I am not the father. How do I get a pate...
06/22/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Colorado | #6605What if my parents do not go to my emancipation hearing, what will happen?
If l have a hearing to be emancipated and my parents can not go, what can l do or are they required to go?
06/22/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #6603What will happen if my parents do not attend my emancipation hearing?
If I have a hearing to become emanciapted and my parents do not attend, what will happen?
06/22/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #6602What are the requirements to become emancipated?
My sister just turned 16 in May, can she request emancipation or separation from our mother in order to live with me? I am 29 years old. Our mother is mentally unstable (severely manic depressive), physically and verbally abusive, and living under those conditions, my sister too suffers from depression. I know how it was living with her and I also suffered from depression linke...
06/21/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Indiana | #6593