Legal Questions and Answers
At what age are you legally considered an adult in the state of Florida?
At what age are you legally considered an adult in the state of Florida?
05/13/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Georgia | #4613Can I serve divorce papers by publishing it in the newspaper?
I have been trying to serve my husband with divorce papers since December. He won't tell me where he lives or works. He is still using our old mail address for all correspondence. How can I serve him and get on with my life? At present he is stalking me, showing up in the middle of the night pounding on my door. Someone mentioned I could post an ad for three consecutive ...
05/13/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: California | #4612How do I know that the online lottery I just won is legitimate?
How do I know that the online lottery I just won is legitimate? You see I have to send money before they send my winning prize.
05/13/2007 | Category: Internet | State: Hawaii | #4610If my lender forecloses on my Tennessee house, can the lender put a lien on my Florida house?
If my lender forecloses on my Tennessee house, can the lender put a lien on my Florida house for the loan deficiency of the Tennessee house?
05/13/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: Florida | #4609What was the law in 1994 in Louisiana regarding a will?
What was the law in 1994 in Alexandria Louisiana as far as wills. Does the estate go to the spouse and the children by law? Can the estate be left only to the spouse?
05/13/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Georgia | #4608I co-signed a vehicle for an ex-fiance. She later took off with the vehicle across the US, left it with a person I didn't eve...
I co-signed a vehicle for an ex-fiance. She later took off with the vehicle across the US, left it with a person I didn't even know and took off to another state. When I recovered the vehicle, it was nearly six months late in payments and had some minor damages which I paid for out of my own pocket and even my retirement fund. Is it possible for me to sue her for those late pa...
05/13/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Cosigning | State: California | #4606If I have been married only eight months, would I be required to pay alimony?
I am filing for a divorce 8 months after marriage for reasons of documented domestic violence. I need to purchase a car ASAP but I am concerned about him having any legal rights to my new vehicle. I am also concerned about him seeking alimony since I just got a great new job and he is still unemployed?
05/13/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: New York | #4602How can I force a company to give me the IP address for someone who has ordered goods in my name?
Someone is filing out subscriptions in my name. I am getting the goods and the bills. So far I know one subscription was done by the internet, but they will not give me the IP address. First I want to know how to make them give me the IP address and secondly once I get this information, what charges can I press?
05/13/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Arizona | #4601How would I petition the court for early withdrawal from probation?
Do you have to have a lawyer for Federal Court to re-petition the court for early withdrawal from probation? My husband's attorney was present for the first petition but now wants another $2500 to re-petition the court after completing what the judge had ordered.
05/13/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Indiana | #4599Can I sue for back support even if my daughter is 23 years old now?
My ex was a very controlling person so when we divorced he made the divorce rules as to get the divorce over with as soon as possible so he could be with his woman and her 2 kids. In doing so, he set a figure to child support $1,600.00 so we could live comfortably. He kept his business free and clear with building included, promised medical insurance, etc. until daughter was ag...
05/13/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Pennsylvania | #4598