Legal Questions and Answers
My tutor doesn’t acknowledge our child is his and refuses to bear any of the medical expenses.
I had sex with my tutor, he is 27 years old. After few months I got to know that I was pregnant. I am 15 years old and am due this month. I have no means to support myself and the baby. My parents have been financially supporting me all this while as my tutor refuses to support me in any manner. I am really worried for my baby. My tutor doesn’t acknowledge this child is his and...
12/14/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Florida | #28093My neighbor’s son who is 24 year old forced my 16 years old daughter to have sex with him. Even if it was consensual sex, can my neighbor’s son be still punished?
0000000000000000I have a daughter who is 16 year old. I work in a private firm in Florida, and my work keeps me away from home most of the days. Last week the neighbor’s son who is 24 year old, came to my house in my absence and lured my daughter to have sex with him. Now the neighbor’s son says that he had consented sex with my daughter so he alone is not responsible for this....
12/14/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Florida | #28092What is the procedure for obtaining child’s birth certificate in Arizona?
My wife wanted to have a natural water birth and had planned for the birth of our child at our house. She gave birth to a healthy child with the assistance of a mid-wife. We still have to apply for our child’s birth certificate. How do we go about obtaining one in Arizona?
12/14/2016 | Category: Vital Records » Birth Certif... | State: Arizona | #28091I want to acknowledge the child is mine and change the birth certificate in Arizona.
I recently found that my ex-girlfriend gave birth to my child. I approached her after receiving the news. She was in a bit a fix as she wasn’t financially stable. We are looking to work things out between us and give the relationship a second chance. I want to acknowledge the child is mine and provide for child support. I also want my name to appear on my child birth certificat...
12/14/2016 | Category: Vital Records » Birth Certif... | State: Arizona | #28090Do my husbands children of prior marriage get anything if he died intestate?
We are residents of Arizona. My husband passed away last week. I was his second wife and we have two children from our marriage. He also had two children from his first marriage. I want to know how his property will be divided among the surviving members given the fact that he did not have a will at the time of his death.
12/14/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Arizona | #28082My husband died with no Will. Can his ex-wife make any claim to property?
My husband died at the age of 63. We are residents of Arizona. We had 3 children in our marriage. Though he was married before, he never had any children in that marriage. He has not left a will and last testament which provides for the division of assets. His ex-wife is now trying to seek a claim with respect to his property. Does the law in Arizona permit such claim?
12/14/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Arizona | #28080How is property divided if no Will and survived by children of marriage and another son?
My father passed away last week due to liver cirrhosis. My mom had died 6 years ago due to multiple organ failures. The only surviving members of my family are my elder brother and myself. My father also had a daughter from a relationship before he married my mother. He had subsequently acknowledged her paternity. He hasn’t left any will and has a substantial amount of property...
12/14/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Arizona | #28079Can a complaint be filed against a husband for marital rape?
My Husband and I live in New York. We are on the verge of our divorce. Because there is no intimacy between the both of us, last week he forced himself on me and had sex with me without my consent. Can I file a complaint against my husband for rape?
12/14/2016 | Category: Criminal | State: New York | #28074Can a person be convicted for abetting a rape?
My friend and I live in California. Last week, my friend told me that he wants to take revenge from his ex-girlfriend. So, he asked his friend to intoxicate her, force himself on her, hurt her and have sex with her. Because I do not want her to suffer, I would like to file a complaint against him for abatement of rape. What will be the punishment given to him?
12/14/2016 | Category: Criminal | State: California | #28073Can a complaint be filed against a father for raping his daughter?
I live in Alaska with my husband and daughter who is 15 years old. Last week she confided in me that she was sexually abused by her father when she was alone at home. Can I file a complaint against him for rape?
12/14/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Alaska | #28072