Legal Questions and Answers
My grandmother left her property in my name years ago as the executor. First question how do I find the
My grandmother left her property in my name years ago as the executor. First question how do I find the deed online (florida). Second am I able to add my wife on the deed?
12/18/2016 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #28325Can an allonge to a promissory note states different terms from the original?
Can you attach an allonge to an existing promissory note that states different terms from the original note?
12/18/2016 | Category: Documents » Allonage | State: Colorado | #28324Who is responsible for providing the proper clothing for the child's day to day activities?
Who is responsible for providing the proper clothing and attire for the childs day to day activities?
12/18/2016 | Category: Minors » Support | State: North Dakota | #28321Can Parole Officer prevent Parents from living together because they are on parole?
can a couple not yet married but both individuals being on state probation be deemed to have no contact with each other?? my fiancé and I have been together just shy of ten yrs with two beautiful children 8 and 7 and we have lived together 8 yrs and her probation officer set a stipulation that she and I can not have contact with each other and we feel completely betrayed by the...
12/16/2016 | Category: Criminal » Parole | State: Pennsylvania | #28278How do I transfer property to me left in my Mother's Will?
Mother died and left home to me in her will. How do I transfer the title into my name. Mother was also exempt for many years will there be back property taxes owed on the property?
12/16/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Personal Rep... | State: Texas | #28257I want to know if there is any law in Mississippi that punishes parents for child abandonment.
I have a cousin who has a 5 year old child. My cousin and her husband are earning well and have a big house in Mississippi. Yesterday my cousin and her husband left their child on a street, far away from their home, with the intention to abandon their child. My cousin says that they did so because they have no means to look after the child. I know my cousin is lying. At present...
12/16/2016 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Mississippi | #28237I want to know the possibility of getting an emancipation from the court in Colorado.
I am 17-year-old high school student doing fairly well on my own. I have been passionate about mechanical engineering and AUTOCAD. I want to pursue it but my parents want me to go to college. I have enough income to sustain myself and have already moved out of my parents’ house. I want to know the possibility of getting an emancipation from the court in Colorado.
12/16/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Colorado | #28236Does only surviving child inherit from Father if other child died before him?
I am 53-year-old resident of Aspen, Colorado. My father passed away last week owing to his long term old age ailments. Our mother passed away 6 years ago. I had a younger brother who passed away and is survived by his wife and son. My father did not have a will or last testament. How will his property divulge on us surviving members?
12/16/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Colorado | #28235How will my deceased Husbands property be divided per the intestacy laws in Colorado?
My husband ran a successful real estate agency in Estes Park, Colorado. We have been married for about 3 years now. He recently passed away. It is when I approached our attorney I got to know that he never left a will behind. We never had kids in the marriage or prior to our marriage. His parents are settled in Aspen. How will his property be divided per the intestacy laws in C...
12/16/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Colorado | #28233If there are two children of the marriage and I have a child who inherits my Husband's estate?
My husband and had been married and residing in Aspen, Colorado. We had two children in our marriage. I have a son from an earlier marriage. My husband passed away and did not leave behind a will. How will his property pass on to us surviving members in the family?
12/16/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Colorado | #28232