Legal Questions and Answers
Who gets the trust property if a beneficiary dies?
Does the assets of a trust pass to the heirs of the beneficiaries after their death in case the trust itself doesnt tell about that ?
12/13/2016 | Category: Trusts » Beneficiaries | State: Wyoming | #28048Can a potential Employer ask me about my Criminal record like charges?
Shoplifting - Concealment of Goods. Injury to Personal property. Case disposed - Does an individual have to list on apartment and job applications?
12/13/2016 | Category: Employment » Criminal Rec... | State: North Carolina | #28033My daughter told one of the CPS case worker that her school bus driver had sex with her.
I have an 8 year old daughter. Few months back my daughter returned from school complaining of pain in her private parts. We took her to the nearest hospital to get her checked. While we were on our way to the hospital my daughter told my husband that her school bus driver had “touched her privates.” We informed the same to the doctor who treated her but no medical evidence of ...
12/13/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Washington | #28023The court granted me the custody of our son. If i move in with my boyfriend would it warrant the change in custody.
I am a divorcee and have been living in Michigan with my son. Five years back the court granted me the custody of our son, and gave my husband the right to visit our son every weekend. A few months back I met a guy through a mutual friend. He is a bachelor and we have been planning to move in together. My son has no issues with my boyfriend coming and staying with us. However, ...
12/13/2016 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Michigan | #28022I had lodged a complaint against landlord for not getting the gas pipelines fixed.
The landlord is filing for evicting me from my rented apartment. I had lodged a complaint against him for grossly neglecting the need to get the gas pipelines to my apartment fixed. They had rusted and were a serious threat to my safety. I had given two notices regarding the concern which he blatantly ignored. Do I have any rights per the tenancy laws in Arizona?
12/13/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Arizona | #28021My landlord seems to be hell bent on getting me to give up my rental unit. How do I deal with him?
My landlord seems to be hell bent on getting me to give up my rental unit. He shut off the gas connection that runs to my apartment which is included in the tenancy agreement. I had to get an electric stove to continue with my daily activities. I still have 9 months to go before my lease expires. I don’t have the financial strength to hunt and move into another apartment. How d...
12/13/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Arizona | #28020My tenant has vacated the rental space. What do I do in this situation?
My tenant vacated the rental space that I leased out to him for a monthly rent of $900. I am not the kind of man who goes and inspects the rental space every now and then because it is an inconvenience to the tenants. When I inspected the rental unit after the tenant handed over the keys, I was shocked to see the condition of the unit. The door frames had cracks that ran into t...
12/13/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Mitigate Dam... | State: Arizona | #28018How long do I have to wait before I can get a refund of the security deposit from my landlord?
I live in a rented house in Phoenix, Arizona. I have about a month left for the lease to expire. I pay a bi-weekly rent of $750. When I took this place up for rent, I had given him $2250 as the security deposit. I am moving from Arizona to New York and I need the security deposit refunded to me as soon as possible. I have been very careful in using the rented house and am leavi...
12/13/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Arizona | #28017Can a complaint be filed for raping a disabled person?
I live in North Carolina with my niece who is a disabled person. Last week, my boyfriend came home to visit me. While I was away on an errand, my friend forced himself on my niece and had sex with her. Can I file a complaint against him for rape?
12/13/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: North Carolina | #28012What is the punishment for rape while armed with dangerous weapon?
I live in Massachusetts. Last week, my friend and I were walking along the subway at night. There was no one around and pulled out his gun and threatened me to have sex with him. I had no choice but to do as he demanded as I was scared out of my wits. Can I file a complaint against him for rape and what is the punishment that will be given to him?
12/13/2016 | Category: Criminal » Sex Offfender | State: Massachusetts | #28011