Legal Questions and Answers
What can I do about finding glass in a food product?
I purchased a pizza from 711 last night by a well known company, I got home and cooked it right away. The second bite chipped my tooth, the piece I pulled out of my tooth was glass. I contacted the company and saved the box and glass. The person I spoke with said they would send a overnight box to receive the object for inspection. I was asked what I would like for compensat...
10/14/2010 | Category: Personal Injury | State: Texas | #23394If I commingle funds in one account for two businesses how do I account?
If I comingle funds in one account for two businesses and proceed to conduct transactions for both, how can I properly account for each individual business transaction to meet legal and accounting principles?
10/14/2010 | Category: Records | State: California | #23392What form do I need to leave my house to my son and avoid probate?
If I leave my house to my son using a Enhanced Life Estate Grant Deed will he avoid Probate and receive the house at a stepped up basis ?
10/14/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #23391What deed do I need?
I am married, however, I own a condo individually which is unencumbered (free and clear). I have a Warranty Deed and title insurance on the property. I would like the condo to pass to her upon my death to avoid the hassle and expense of Probate. My wife and I jointly own our home which is also free and clear therefore, the condo is not my legal Homestead. I would like the o...
10/14/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: Florida | #23390What form do I use to answer a summons from a debt collector?
My wife received a summons from a debt collector. I have to answer this summons. What form do I use?
10/14/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: North Carolina | #23388How Do I Recover Vacation Pay and Bonuses After I am Laid Off?
My company laid me off they have not paid me my vacation and bonuses. The next pay period has come and gone. What is the next step? They also took a rent deduction out,after I moved off site and will not refund this either.
10/13/2010 | Category: Employment » Benefits | State: Texas | #23386How Do I Get Juvenile Criminal Records Expunged in Louisiana?
my daughter wants to apply to law school. she will be 22 at that time. she had 3 misdemeanors when she was 17. domestic violence, and possession of drug parephenlia. what needs to be done to get this expunged??
10/13/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Louisiana | #23385What Type of Deed is Used to Transfer Mineral Rights?
I want to transfer mineral rights which I inherited over to my aunt. This is in Jack County, Texas. It involves two properties which have been divided up into small pieces and given to many family memebers. Do I use a Quitclaim or an Oil, Gas, and Mineral deed?
10/13/2010 | Category: Oil Gas and Minerals | State: Texas | #23383Can I Be Replaced By a Worker With Less Skills and Seniority?
If my former employer laid off three employees and kept three hired after me and then hired the person that is here illegally back and i worked there for 4 to 5 years longer than the illegal alien . Is there anything i can do about it?Considering i did his job better and longer and I was his supervisor.
10/13/2010 | Category: Employment | State: North Carolina | #23382Can My Husband Evict a Tenant if He Abandoned the Home?
My husband left me 3 years ago. I live in our house I'm renting out a room to a friend. Could he kick him out?
10/13/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Pennsylvania | #23381