Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Force a Neighbor to Trim Branches of His Trees That Overhang My Property?
My neighbor has about 50 or more pine trees on his property line which borders mine. The branches of the trees extend out well over his property line into mine, the result of which is pine cones, branches, etc litter my driveway and other property. Is it possible to force him (legally) to trim the branches of the trees so that they would not extend over and litter my property...
10/11/2010 | Category: Trees | State: Virginia | #23368What is the Term for Filing a Lawsuit Without a Basis to Get Revenge on Someone?
What is the legal definition of abuse of power as related to an elected HOA Board who pursues a lawsuit legally but with the purpose of punishing a resident who has leveled charges of corruption, which are unproven but have very good basis, in many ways.
10/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Florida | #23365How Do I Sue an Animal Control Officer for Not Identifying Himself?
I was approached in the Park by my house by Animal Control. I was walking my dogs at the time, and the Animal Control Officer asked me for ID. Before presenting my ID, I asked the Officer for his ID. He would not provide any and instead pointed to the emblem on his shirt which looked generic and I could not make it out as belonging to Animal Control. I have 2 Chihuahuas and ...
10/10/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: New Jersey | #23362Am I Liable for a Second Mortgage By a Co-Owner in a Home?
We have purchased a home with our son and daughter-in-law. He would like to put a loan on it to buy another home. At our age we don't want to be responsible for the loan. Do we need to deed our ownership over to him and if so how do we do that? We have only owned the home for six months.
10/09/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: California | #23360How Do I Set up an Estate Account for My Deceased Brother?
need to know how i go about getting a estaste account set up for my brothers account in N.C bank
10/09/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: North Carolina | #23359Can We Sue Our School For Changing the Use of Fundraising Money?
Parents of my school were asked by the district to participate in a contest. We won that contest and the prize was a 4100 k fitness facility. The superintendent gave the prize to another school without consulting stake-holding participants (parents). He later claimed the authority to do so. However stake-holders (parents) were not informed of that authority or the possibility o...
10/09/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: California | #23358How Do I Get Gun Rights Restored in Minnesota?
Had 2d degree agg robery reduced to a misdemeanor per MS 609.13. The court website notes a 'seinstatement of rights' and a restoration of voting rights granted in August of this year. Does restoration of rights include the right to carry a gun (I want to duck hunting this fall)?
10/09/2010 | Category: Weapons | State: Minnesota | #23357How Do I Make My Girlfriend Move Out in Minnesota?
I have cohabitated with a woman for 17 yrs and we have a 17 yr old daughter. We have never planned on marriage and i want to know if she has any claims on my home and land. Also, how do i make her move out? The land is family land and I built the home and it has a mortgage that I pay. Thank you.
10/09/2010 | Category: Cohabitation | State: Minnesota | #23356CanI Sue a Motel for Not Providing Heat for a Few Days?
I'm staying at a motel in WY. I'm from out of state working on a pipeline here for two days. I had no heat and finally today at 6 pm the evening of the third day they had the heat fixed. Should i get a refund ?
10/08/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Wyoming | #23355Can I Sue an Employer if They Fire Me After I Left Another Job to Take This Job?
I was recently laid off from a job that I accepted only 16 weeks ago. I left a job paying significantly more for this opportunity. The basis of my acceptance of the position was a viable product, stable company (single investor owned) and product acceptance. Based on my interview with the CEO and Senior Vice President they indicated this was so. Additionally I was promised ...
10/08/2010 | Category: Employment » Employment A... | State: Missouri | #23354