Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Company Sell My Timeshare if I Haven't Signed Any Documents?
My sister and I have an interest in a time share property located in Florida. My sister received a post card from Travel Exclusive, LLC, also located in Florida, but do business in CA. In Jan., 2010 my sister met with the agents, in Oakland, they explained that our time share was not worth anything, and that the only recourse we had was to pay $2,995.00, up front; that we cou...
06/11/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #22371How Long Does the Eviction Process Take in Texas?
What is the legal process in order to evict a tenant that is delinquent more than 1 month's rent and states no money is forthcoming in the see able future; is there a time frame you could provide for this legal process?
06/11/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Texas | #22370Can an Executor Steal Money from the Estate?
If you choose to appoint your attorney to be the executor of your will, or administrator,with an agreed flat fee set in the will, can he steal your money when that time comes? Also, do you need to have a will made in the state that you reside in?
06/11/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Florida | #22368Is Personal Use of an LLC Vehicle Covered By Company Insurance?
My rental company is an LLC. I am a member. If I use the rental RV for personal use and get into an accident who is liable? The LLC only or the LLC and my own personal assets?
06/11/2010 | Category: Insurance | State: California | #22367How Do I Transfer a Timeshare to My Daughters?
I am still paying on a timeshare and want to remove my 2 daughters from the deed. Can I use a quit claim or do I need a warranty deed? Does that mean the Timeshare must remove them?
06/11/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #22365Can a Tenant Be Evicted While in Jail?
I'm a resident in Arizona my brother is renting an apartment and has been placed in jail for 120 days, What can landlord legally do since he is unable to pay rent?
06/11/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #22364Is condo association responsible for interior repairs from roof leak and can I refuse to pay fees?
I live in PA and my condo association is in charge of the exterior of the buildings. Due to a faulty roof water leaked into my house and resulted in $3,000 in repairs that I paid out of pocket. I was told I would be reimbursed for the expense of the drywall damages ($800). I was just told, months later, that the board has voted against my reimbursement. Can I withhold my associ...
06/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Pennsylvania | #22360Can a LLC Be Covered Under A Personal Umbrella Policy?
A member of an LLC wants to use the rental RV for personal use. Would this disolve the LLC? Or should he actually 'rent' it from the LLC? Would a personal umbrella cover liability over an LLC?
06/10/2010 | Category: LLC | State: California | #22359Can a Child Choose Not to Live With a Guradian Ordered By the Court?
Can a joint guardianship order be enforced if there is no blood relationship there and the child does not want to go?
06/09/2010 | Category: Guardianship | State: California | #22356How Do I Get a Release for a Settlement of a Debt?
I recently was asked to obtain some live sharks for a client who was using them for an awards show (as a display). Some of the sharks died during the holding period and the customer was not able to utilize all of the sharks they paid for. The customer wants to accept a certain dollar amount ($11,400.00) as full settlement from me rather than sue me for the $26,000.00 they belie...
06/09/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: California | #22355