Legal Questions and Answers
What is the Time Period for Paying Off a Judgment Against You?
Please answer this question relative to New York State Divorce Laws: I am presently unemployed, out on disability, my monthly medical bills, child support and personal expenses exceed my disability income by approx. $ 2,127.11/mo. I have been advised to file for Ch 7 bankruptcy by 2 independent financial planner/adviser agencies. Furthermore, my wife filed a Motion - Order To S...
06/14/2010 | Category: Judgments | State: Massachusetts | #22388Can My House Go in Foreclosure for Not Insuring the Property?
Can my mortgage company foreclose over a forced insurance policy if I have never missed a regular monthly mortgage payment?
06/14/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #22387Who is the Check for the Balance of a Deceased's Bank Account Made Payable to?
Can a check for the balance of a deposit account that was owned by the decedent be made payable to the petitioner's name presenting an order of summary administration or does the check need to be made payable to the estate of ______decedent's name?
06/14/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Florida | #22386How Can Parents Consent to Allow a Child to Live with a Relative in Georgia?
What is the process of getting legal custody of my nephew in Ga when both parents agree?
06/14/2010 | Category: Guardianship | State: Georgia | #22384Can I Change a Child's Last Name to Mine if Born as a Result of an Affair With a Married Woman?
I had a affair with a married woman in the state of Va. She got pregnant and had our son but has now decided to stay with her husband. I want the child to have my last name would a court grant me that?
06/13/2010 | Category: Paternity » Birth Certif... | State: Virginia | #22383Who Handles the Estate if the Named Executor is Unavailable or Incapacitated?
My uncle died on May 9, 2009. I was told by him several years prior to his death that he did not have a will. Acting on the assumption that he had died intestate, I was appointed by the probate judge of Fulton Couny, Georgia to be the administrator of his estate. Subsequently, I discovered that he did, in fact, have a will which was prepared an properly witnessed and notar...
06/13/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Georgia | #22381Can My Child Support Payments be Lowered if I Change Jobs?
I was unemployed in NY last year and moved to GA 6 months ago. I will need my child support payments adjusted since my current income is more than 50% less than previous child support agreement created during our divorce years ago. I have received papers from NY that they will garnishee my current paycheck for more than I am currently paid. What do I do now?
06/13/2010 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Georgia | #22380How Do I Locate a Missing Insurance Policy of a Deceased?
I have a lost policy : My father passed in september of 2007, I can't locate his Insurance policy, don't know Insurance name .My father said that I was the beneficiary of it. So, I ran out of options. Until I found your web.
06/12/2010 | Category: Insurance | State: Florida | #22377Do I Have any Rights to the oil Being Pumped in my Community?
I grew up in a community where oil wells was pumping for years near our house and property. My question is who is entitled to share in revenues generated by an oil well in a community is there a distant where I might be able to claim possible revenues?
06/12/2010 | Category: Oil Gas and Minerals | State: Virginia | #22374How Do I Revoke an Acknowledgment of Paternity in illinois?
i signed a voluntary paternal contarct at the hospatial a year ago but i just found out im not the father an want nothing to do with her or the baby she lied an tricked me to beliveing it was mine an i trusted her i want my name off the birth certificate an dont want to pay child support
06/11/2010 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Illinois | #22372