Legal Questions and Answers
Am I Required to Trim Tree Branches that Overhang onto My Neighbor's Yard?
Thank you for a very thorough discussion on Encroachment w.r.t. the responsibility of neighbors and their trees along a border or a fence. I have on several occasions removed dead branches and dead trees from my property that could have done harm to my neighbors property. Now however they want me to trim a long line of tall trees for purely cosmetic purposes. I have asked th...
06/09/2010 | Category: Trees | State: New York | #22354Is a Pellet Gun a Firearm in Louisiana?
Does a spring operated pellet gun discharge constitute as Discharge of a Firearm?
06/09/2010 | Category: Weapons | State: Louisiana | #22351Are Per Diem Payments Required After a Year By Law?
I live in OK, work in TX. My OK company starts taxing my per diem after one year on a job. Is there a law requiring my company to tax my per diem after one year?
06/09/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Oklahoma | #22350How Do I Create a Contract to Sell a Car?
What do I need to draw up a contract between two people to sell a car?
06/09/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: California | #22348What Should I Do if My Son Assaulted a Student at School?
My son was cited for battery on school property (spittin gum on another) and disrupting school activities. What are we looking at and should I retain an attorney?
06/09/2010 | Category: Criminal » Assault | State: California | #22347Can Living in Separate Rooms Be Considered Separated for Divorce in Virginia?
Married eight years my husband cheated on me via the internet, been depressed, have had health issues, does all this make for a quick divorce with alimony & child support? Live in the same house sleep in separate room since November 2009 can this be considered a legal separation?
06/09/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #22346Can I Cancel a Consumer Club Contract in Three Days in New York?
Yesterday I signed a contract for a 3 yr. membership with Direct Buy, a consumer discount buying organization, but I want to cancel. What are my options?
06/09/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: New York | #22345Can a Subcontractor File a Lien for Defective Work on My Home?
I just opened a letter from an electrician who claims that he is owed monies for services performed in my home over the last 6 months. The work that he performed was billed to me by a man who was overseeing many home projects and who claimed he was a licensed electrician who did the work himself. So I paid for the various projects in full that this electrician is now billing me...
06/09/2010 | Category: Warranties | State: Connecticut | #22343Is a Child Responsible to Pay a Parent's Debts When They Die?
I am my Fathers Beneficiary of Estate and accounts etc. In the event of his death, can I be held liable for his medical debts to the hospital etc, for any amount that they may be. I don't want to lose his home to cover his debts left behind, but most of all have to refinance my home as well to cover it.
06/09/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Virginia | #22341What Can I Do if I Find Out About Car Damage from Accidents After I Buy a Car?
I recently purchased a used vehicle ($ 33.000 Hummer ) from a local dealership, at a later date (two weeks) I learned that the vehicle had previously been wrecked. Upon speaking with the owner of the dealership he stated that he was unaware of this that he had sold this vehicle for a friend on consignment he also agreed that the repair work (painting of the hood) was substanda...
06/08/2010 | Category: Automobiles | State: Louisiana | #22340