Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Create a Power of Attorney to Handle Investment Matters?
I am a Registered Investment Advisor and need a limited Power of Attorney Form thatwould allow me to buy or sellMutual Funds, Variable Accts or Stocksin exchange for other Variable Accts,Mutual Funds and Stocks
06/17/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Michigan | #22410Can a Wife Inherit Funds in an IRA Acount if the Husband Forgot to Change the Named Beneficiary?
My sister's husband has two IRA Accounts set up before they married in 1992. Before in 1992, her husband named beneficiary of the two IRA accounts to his two brothers. After my sister's husband passed away, she found out that the beneficiary of the two IRA account are still his two brothers. My sister said that after they married, her husband kept put money into the two IRA acc...
06/16/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #22408How Do I Make Sure My Contribution to the Property is Recovered if the Property is Transferred?
Mother in law and husband purchased property and became joint tenant (in NY). They didn't put much $ down, say 60k total. For 7 years they did no capital improvements to the 2 houses on the property. Son marries me and I 'demand' that my name be placed on the deed. She was VERY reluctant but at the signing, her lawyer looked at me and said, 'you know now that she can leave ...
06/16/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: New York | #22407How Do I Claim Adverse Possession of Abandoned Property in California?
How can I take adverse possession of an abandoned property in California?
06/16/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: California | #22406What Does a Release of Liability to an Insurer Mean?
I need an interpretation of an insurance release of liability form to make sure I understand it. I need assistance in interpreting the language of an insurance property damage release form in order to completely understand. The form seems to be fairly standard, but I want to make sure that damages not discovered with the original adjuster's rep.
06/15/2010 | Category: Insurance | State: North Carolina | #22400When Can My Child Choose to Leave Home?
My son lives w/his father. He will not turn 18 until Oct. He already graduated from High School. When can he leave his Dad's home without permission? Also we both signed papers for our son to join the military. But will not be going in to boot camp until Nov. this year. My son resides in Texas.
06/15/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Texas | #22397How Do I Protect Myself from Guests on My Property Getting Injured?
I own property in n.y state and I have friends that come to it with all terrain vehicles that ride on the property and also they camp on the property and I am looking for form for people to sign that they can't hold me liable if they get hurt on the property.
06/14/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: New York | #22393How Can Siblings Share Inherited Properry?
My wife's mother passed away a few months ago and in a trust left my wife and her 3 siblings a vacation home in the California mountains as well as some funds. My wife's brother is the executor. Question: the siblings all agree they want to keep the family vacation house and share its use and expenses. How should title/ownership of this house be handled? Does this sound like so...
06/14/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Nevada | #22392Can I Leave Property to an Heir if it has a Reverse Mortgage?
I have completed a reverse mortgage on my home. If I die, I want my ex-husband to get the house.
06/14/2010 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: Georgia | #22391How Do I Become a Bulgarian Citizen?
I am born in Bulgaria . I am USA sitizen. My mom has dual sitizenship- USA and Bulgarian. I like to apply for bulgarian sitizenship How
06/14/2010 | Category: Citizenship | State: Colorado | #22389