Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Need to Take a Paternity Test at the Request of an Attorney?
I had a child 16 years ago and was unsure of the paternity( between 2 men). I married one of them and he is listed on the birth certificate.I haven't heard from the other since then. I recently received a letter from the attorney of the other man requesting a paternity test. Do I have to do that? What are mine and my son's rights?
06/23/2010 | Category: Paternity » DNA Test | State: North Carolina | #22454Can a Minor in New York be Emancipated to Act in a Movie Role?
My daughter is 17 and lives a normal life (no abuse or problem) in NYC. She is an actor and in order to be allowed to book a lead in a major movie which starts shooting in August she would have to be emancipated . Is there any chance that a judge would grant emancipation for such a reason ??? She does make some money on her own , 85 K in 2009 if that is a consideration. Thank...
06/23/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New York | #22453Can I Get an Arrest Record for Child Abuse Expunged in Alabama?
I was arrested over 10 years ago on a bogus charge of child abuse... it was thrown out and never went to trial. (this was in Alabama by the way) i read where on your web page there is a way for those records to go away... how can i do that in Alabama? BTW i have been a teacher for the past 7 years and am tired of having to answer the question... is there a way to have that ...
06/23/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Alabama | #22452Can a Junior Lender Still Collect from Me if the Other Lender Forecloses on My Property?
My house was foreclosed on and went to Cobb County Courthouse steps for sale in April 2010. I see the house is still for sale which tells me it didn't sell on the court house steps. I had an 80/20 loan with 2 different lenders. What legal rights in Georgia does the junior lender have to recover their money? I have been threatened with bank levy, wage garnishment, and money ...
06/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Georgia | #22450How Can My New Husband Adopt My Child if the Father Won't Consent?
This question is for my daughter Sarah. When she was in college she had a little girl, my grandaughter Izabelle. Sarah has since married and has additonal children, her husband would like to adopt Izabelle, however when Sarah contacted him he refused to give up his rights? His name is name is on her birth cert, but he had no legal rights. At first the court had set an amt for h...
06/22/2010 | Category: Adoption | State: Minnesota | #22449What is Fair Use of Copyrighted Material by a Teacher?
Hi, As a teacher of a small elementary school I am wondering if under 'fair use' I may recite and act out HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS OR CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS as part of a Christmas concert at our school. Some of the songs from the books made into tv show specials would be sung as well. There would only be one performance for the parents and admission would be free. I woul...
06/22/2010 | Category: Copyrights | State: New Hampshire | #22448How Do I Enforce a Foreign Judgment in Georgia?
How Do I Enforce a Foreign Judgment in Georgia (from small claims in Kentucky)? What is the fee?
06/22/2010 | Category: Judgments » Foreign Judg... | State: Kentucky | #22447Can I Keep the Tools of a Contractor Who Didn't Complete the Work?
We had a contractor put up a building for us. He had cash flow issues so we paid for some of the materials for him to keep the job moving. We found out that he did not have any liability or workers comp insurance when the job was 70% done. We told him he had breached his contract and that we could not have him work on our property without insurance. His contract said he woul...
06/22/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Connecticut | #22446How Do I Create a Litigation Trust?
We have been advised we need a 'litigation trust' for a group of investors. Can you advise as to which forms we need? THanks
06/22/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Texas | #22445How Can Make Tenats Move Out Early So I Can Sell the House?
We own a home and were in the process of moving. Back May 1st we signed a 2 year lease to rent to our neighbors. The lease began June 1st, but the rent was only $1.00 for June and July and then started the regular rent Aug 1st. our reason for doing this was that they are in a lease until July 31st and can not move until that time, but we were able to obtain a security deposit....
06/22/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Colorado | #22444