Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Open a Bank Account and Cash a Check for Another With a General Power of Attorney?
I need a CA. DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY. My daughter is in prison she received a large check from a inherent. She needs me to sign it and open a bank account in mine and her names.. Is there any other kind of document we need?
06/24/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #22470Can My Brother Collect Social Security Benefits for My Son With a Notarized Temporary Guardianship?
can social security benefits for my son be transfered to my brother with just a notarized temporary custody paper?
06/24/2010 | Category: Social Security | State: California | #22469Can I Date Other Women if My Wife Cheated on Me and We Live Apart?
Me and my wife have been living apart 6 1/2 yrs , ( not legally separated ),we were married in NC in 88 .. a few yrs later in 92 we moved to SC and after i caught her in having an affair in 03 ..i left her and moved back to NC and we have lived apart for 6 1/2 yrs ... my question is .. does she have any say so if i was seeing another woman ?
06/24/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: North Carolina | #22468How do I get a court order naming me sole heir?
I live in NYC my mother died in Florida in 2000 leaving about 2300.00 in an account. One of my two brothers was made executor of the estate. I believe the will divides all property 3 ways presumably making all three of us rightful heirs. Both of my brothers have since died. What the bank requires to release the funds to me is court order naming me sole heir. What do I do?
06/24/2010 | Category: Death | State: New York | #22466Can a Non-Citizen Form a Corporation as Sole Officer and Shareholder?
Can non-U.S. citizen, who legally has geen card and SS #, start and be the only executive officer and shareholder of good standing U.S. Corporation ?
06/24/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Florida | #22463Should I Continue Doing Business With Someone After They Breach a Contract?
I was selling these car part from a friend. We made a deal that I would promise to pay him $3600 over a 2 mouth period for 220 of these chips. The deal went with 2 delivery's a mouth one for $1000 for 60 chips and the second delivery was supposed to be 50 chips $800. On the second drop of they only produced 25 chips. After that we stopped during business. He felt I was making t...
06/24/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #22461How Do I Add Two People to My Deed on a Duplex in Florida?
I own a duplex in Hollywood Florida, 33020. I wish to give one of the units to my sister and her son. What form of deed should be used and what should the complete process cost?
06/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #22458What Agreements Do I Need to Create to Hire a Contractor to Develop Software?
I want to establish a relationship with an Independent Contractor for software development. I plan to compensate the developer with an hourly rate for his/her time spent and a percentage of future sales. I have purchased the Outside Developer Agreement from US What other paperwork, if any, may be required?
06/23/2010 | Category: Forms | State: Oklahoma | #22457What Form is Used to Remove an Former Spouse from a Deed?
I was divorced earlier this year. I can currently the sole tenet of the former joint property and currently the only person on the mortage. What forms do I need to complete to get my wife removed from the Deed to the property.
06/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Massachusetts | #22456Who is the Landlord When Property With a Contract for Deed is Leased by the Potential Buyer?
I am on the Board of Directors of a condominium in Va. One of our residents entered into a contract for deed with another party (buyer). The buyer now wants to rent the property (with the full knowledge of the seller). Who do we recognize as the landlord? All leases are subject to board approval.
06/23/2010 | Category: Contract for Deed | State: Virginia | #22455