Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Sue a Defendant in Another State for Breach of Contract?
I paid a $1000 deposit to a guy to purchase and install central air in my house, with $200 remaining to be paid upon installation. We agreed on a time for installation, but he never showed up, nor has he called or returned my calls. I have a written contract. He is from Michigan; I'm in Indiana. What am I looking at?
06/21/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Indiana | #22442How Do I Protect Customers from Damage Claims from Vendors on Owner's Property?
Need an agreement to hold customer harmless for vendors the goals while on customers property for both physical damage to the vehicle, liability and property damage
06/21/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: California | #22439How Do I Keep the Same Business Name When I Buy a Business?
A client of mine operated a small restaurant since year 2000. He bought the business from a previous owner and was never informed that the business is under an LLC. He filed his taxes as a sole proprietor, he wants to Incorporate and use the same name. The company is register under the old owner's name. What can we do to still operate as a corporation under the old name?
06/21/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: California | #22438Does a Landlord Need to Return the Security Deposit if the Tenant Never Moves In?
We just entered into a written lease agreement with a tenant on 6/16/10 for a one year lease to begin 7/1/10. The lease agreement required first month's rent + deposit equal to first month's rent plus a $250 pet deposit. The tenant sent me an email on 6/19/10 stating that his mother in law fell and hurt herself and will likely have a hard time going up and down the stairs (mot...
06/21/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #22437Can I Terminate a Lease Early Due to a Difficult Commute?
Is it possible for a new resident to terminate a lease early in Massachusetts due to an unexpectedly difficult commute? The lease has a provision for early terminating that requires a fee equal to 2 months rent and 60 days notice (essentially requiring you to pay 4 months rent for 2 months) for early termination. Just wondering if it is possible to terminate with notice, but wi...
06/21/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Massachusetts | #22436Can I Recover Damages for a Wrongful Arrest on a Ticket I Already Paid?
Wen I was pulled over for speeding, they had ran my license, it came up as being suspended for a whole year which I was unaware of. I had a previous speeding ticket in the same county in which I paid in full. They had no ther reason to put me in jail because I had proof that I paid my ticket, and which my license should't of been suspended. They failed to notify the DMV about m...
06/21/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Georgia | #22434How Do I Find Out the Value of My Ex-Mother-in-Law's Estate?
When my mother-in-law died, I had been divorced from her only son for 10 years. There are two adult boys from the marriage. I had been married to my ex for 36 years when we divorced. I saw her will when her son and I were still married and I was to share equally with her son in her estate. I never saw an amended will but my ex says that I was not included in her will. What...
06/20/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Arkansas | #22433Can my Landlord Make Me Pay for Another Tenant's Gas on a Shared Meter?
I am renting the main floor of an older house. There are tenants upstairs, and one small unit downstairs. My contract states that when the lower unit is rented out, I may deduct $75 from my rent. As per Landlord the upper unit has their own utility bill/meter. I found out by the upstairs tenant that she only pays for electricity, not for gas. In other words, I always pay her ga...
06/20/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Washington | #22431How Do I Stay the Review of a Court Order in Colorado?
5 yrs ago got a divorce the Judge gave a maintenance order that was never signed by either of us I did pay per the under what I thought was a permanent order, but lost my job and filed to lower or terminate this order that was set for life. She placed a motion for contempt of court the motion was dropped per the Judge because there was never a permanent court order that or file...
06/20/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Colorado | #22430Do I Need to Sign Foreclosure papers Because I'm Owed Back Child Support by the Owner?
My ex and father of my 2 children is going through foreclosure proceedings. I took him to court for child support about 6 months ago and recently they garnished his income tax and paycheck. His mortgage bank has contacted me and said that they will be coming to my house to give me some paper and will ask me to sign?? I told them i have nothing to do with his rental property and...
06/19/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: New Jersey | #22429