Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Have to Supply Documents Requested by an Attorney in a Letter?
I have been nominated as executor of my mother's Will. My brothers have hired an attorney to contest my mother's nomination. Their attorney has sent me a letter demanding me to immediately forward copies of any and all documents and banking information that I removed from my mother's house. My question is since I shared a joint banking account with my mother, and since I enter...
06/26/2010 | Category: Discovery | State: Rhode Island | #22487Do I Have to Pay Child Support to a Woman Who Failed to Adopt my Child?
I discovered that I had a 12 year old daughter that I was unaware of until she was taken from her mother by protective services. The mother then claimed me as father. I requested DNA testing which confirmed my parentage. I fought for custody for over a year and the court made it nearly impossible for me to establish a relationship despite my attempts. This ran me almost to bank...
06/26/2010 | Category: Adoption | State: Ohio | #22486How Do I Sell Property if One of the Owners Can't be Located?
My friend's situation: He lives in Georgia with his mother (she is terminal) in a mobile home on property. The mobile home is in his mothers name and the property is in his mother and fathers name. The mother will leave everything to her only son. The problem is, the son has not been able to locate his father for over 18 years. How can he sell the mobile home and the propert...
06/26/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: Florida | #22485Can I Change My Child's Name in New York Without the Father's Consent?
My child is 5 months old and his biological father is on the birth certificate and the child has his fathers last name. I would like to change his last name to mine considering the fact that the father suffers from the depression and anxiety is never there for the child and would not even let me get the passport for the baby. I have two questions: can I legally change the whol...
06/26/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #22484Can a Creditor Legally Ask Me for a Post-Dated Check?
I have companies asking me to post a post dated check what are the federal and state laws in Michigan regarding post dated checks? banks are stating it is federal law that that cannot be done, the collectors argue that is is common practice & legal. I need to know in detail the law and the code so next time I have it verbatim. I ask because I am taking over my 77 yr old moth...
06/26/2010 | Category: Banking laws | State: Michigan | #22483Do I Need to Issue an Intent to Lien in Rhode Island Before Starting a Construction Lien?
Must a contractor issue an Intent to Lien before starting a residential job in RI?
06/25/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Rhode Island | #22481How Do I Sell a Vehicle Left for Repair in California if a Co-Owner Claims the Vehicle?
We own a body shop, contracted custom work to be done on the property. Received a deposit of $1,000.00. 18 months after the owner contacted us from Mexico saying he had to leave the country for legal troubles. We told him we need payment and for him to get the car off the property or we would have to lien sale it. We waited 2 years...he never contacted us again...we attempt...
06/25/2010 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: California | #22480What will happen if I walk away from my mobile home?
I own my mobile home but rent a space in a park. I have lived here for 5 yrs. When I moved in with my 2 children I was naive to the buying process and was told by my realtor that there was no inspections for mobile homes. It has been a nightmare!!! It was totally infested with termites, the first rain I started getting bubbles in the walls, when you turn a light switch on somet...
06/25/2010 | Category: Misc | State: California | #22479Should I file response myself or how can I find a free lawyer in FL?
House is being foreclosed, legal papers state wages can be taken if I don't respond. I live in TN and I'm the only one working. Husband is unemployed. Should I file response myself or how can I find a free lawyer in FL?
06/25/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Tennessee | #22478What does a possessory lien mean for a printer, is it like a mechanic's lien?
What does a possessory lien mean for a printer, is it like a mechanic's lien?
06/25/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Mechanics Lien | State: Minnesota | #22476