Legal Questions and Answers
Is the a Deadline for a Representative to Deliver a Deed in Probate?
Must a Personal Representative provide a Life Estate Deed within a specified amount of time? If so, what is that time limit?
06/06/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Colorado | #22323How Do I Contest a Will in California?
I need to file a quitclaim against my family and the 88 page will and trust they left me out of in the clerks office. Whit it in the clerks office, the court one day may have a greater solvency and I simply have attached rights at ownership. I live in California - I need to get this filed in Virginia. I am only intending a title review for a later date. Sensible behaviour has s...
06/05/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: California | #22320What are Grandparent Visitation Rights in California?
We, the maternal grandparents of our 3 1/2 yr. old grandson, have guardianship for 2 yrs. now. Our daughter, his mom, lives with us. The father had supervised visitation supervised by the paternal grandparents. It was agreed they were allowed to exercise visitation if father for any reason was 'unavailable.' There was a potential child abuse allegation from our grandson re: th...
06/05/2010 | Category: Divorce » Grandparents... | State: California | #22319How Do I Set Up a Trust to Protect Assets from Medicals Bills and Creditors?
I would like to establish a type of trust appointing my (2)18 year old childrenand have my property deed changed into that trust name. My objective is protect my assets from being seized by any judgments for compensatory damages, medical bills, etc. from a third party. Would it be a statutory trust I need that I can file on my own without the assistance of an attorney?
06/05/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: New Jersey | #22318Is it Harassment to Send Text Messages Threateninig to Reveal a Truth?
A harassment report was filed against me for sending 3 texts threatening to tell the truth if the person did not. I also sent texts asking if he did it yet, how much time did he need before I did it or did he actually want me to do it. He told me to leave him alone twice. No other threat or obscenity was used. Is that just cause? Also how long is the statute of a report requir...
06/05/2010 | Category: Criminal » Harassment | State: Ohio | #22317Can I Enforce the Lease as a Landlord if I Don't Own the Property?
Can a husband file a civil suit against renters for rent and damages if he is the landlord on the contract but not on the title of the house in Michigan?
06/05/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Michigan | #22316Can I Get Damages for Injury to My Pet in Transportation?
My dog was damaged in a pet transport...can I get a refund on my transport fees or punitive damages for the dog I paid $500+ to transport a new dog from TN to Northern CA. The dog has a huge urine scalding sore on her hip due to no padding in the crate. They have said the will help with the vet fees and the grooming bill. I feel under the circumstances I should either get...
06/04/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Oregon | #22315Would it be considered abandonment of children will not go back to the house?
Would it be considered abandonment of children in the state of Texas if i will not go back to the house my soon to ex-husband wont leave. My lawyer says it is likely i wont get the house if i don't stay there before the temporary order is signed does this also me i will loose the kids i have them with me
06/04/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Texas | #22314How can I get shared custody of my child born out of wedlock in Pennsylvania?
I am a father of a new baby. The mother of my baby and her mother forced me to sign the birth certificate, but gave the baby her last name instead of mine. What can I do to get joint custody of my baby and have her 50 percent of the time?
06/04/2010 | Category: Paternity » Parental Rig... | State: Pennsylvania | #22312Can I bring a legal action against man having an affair with my wife?
My wife and I live in Virginia. She is having an affair with a man in Pennsylvania, which I have documented through email contact. Can I sue him for adultery and/or damages? Do I have any recourse against him?
06/03/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #22307