Legal Questions and Answers
Can I File Bankruptcy on Credit Cards if I'm Not Behind in Payment?
i need to file for a chapter 7 on my credit cards do i have to be behind on them??
06/03/2010 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Utah | #22306Can a Corporate Officer Sell Stock if He Knows the Company Will be Dissolved?
Florida Law...can a partner of a corporation sell his shares knowing that there is a pending lawsuit to dissolve that corporation?
06/03/2010 | Category: Corporations » Stock | State: Florida | #22305Can I Be Forced to Sign a Release to Get My Share of an Estate?
My Brother died and the Retirement Plan, IBEW Local Union 728 Annunity Plan wants my sisters and brothers to sign a release , releasing them of any liability, before they will turn the funds over to the Estate of my Brother which I am in control of. This would complete his wishes per his will.
06/03/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Florida | #22301How Do I Annul a Marriage if theSpouse Lied About His Addiction?
Is it possible for me to get an annulment as a NY city resident who got married in Florida. 2nd time married to same 1st & only spouse in April and abandoned me in April about 2 wks. after marriage. Our divorce was ugly 1st time and he maintained sobriety for one & one-half yrs. living together to see if we should marry. Everything was fine but as soon as we said 'I do' he le...
06/03/2010 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: New York | #22300Can I Return a Leased Car Within Three Days?
WHAT ARE RAMIFICATIONS OF CANCELING A AUTO LEASE ON NEW CAR WITHIN 72HR. INTO 3RD DAY DELEVERY OF VEHICLE TONIGHT policy on returning new leased vehicle within 72hours. have yet to take delivery
06/03/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Lease | State: Florida | #22299How Do I Close the Estate of a Deceased Person in Minnesota?
I am the executor of my father's estate in MN. I have kept copious records of every transaction dealing with the estate and we are ready to close the estate. We have an attorney, but feel that the attorney is going to charge us a great deal of money to do what I have already done. What are the minimum actions needed for us to close the estate in MN and to file with the state...
06/02/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: North Dakota | #22294Can a Life Tenant Rent the Property to Another Third Party?
If you have a ' life estate' left to one brother on property left to you and your brother does the brother with the life estate havae the right to rent the property instead of living on the property the property is in Ohio but I live in NC
06/02/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: North Carolina | #22293Can I Recover Damages in Rhode Island and Keep the Deposit if the Tenant Leaves Early?
A tenant signed a lease for a full year and moved out in six weeks. I got a letter from an attorney saying I owe double the deposit that hasn't been paid plus attorneys fees? What are my rights? I feel she owes me money. What about my broken lease ($7,000 still remaining)? Plus, I've incurred costs to re-rent, like the new paint for the apartment that she painted a gross c...
06/01/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Rhode Island | #22290Does the Son of Sam Law Apply if I Write a Book About a Crime?
if I write a book that involves the criminal life of a close relative, who also helps me with the book but is not paid, does the son of sam law apply to me? The court is in Chicago. The crime also has links to Phila., NYC and to other countries.
06/01/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Pennsylvania | #22289Can a Landlord Enter Without Permission to Close Shutters in a Storm?
06/01/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: California | #22288