Legal Questions and Answers
What is Eminent Domain?
What is eminent domain?
06/01/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: Kentucky | #22287Who Inherits the CD of a Person Who Dies Without a Will?
My mother-in-law died May 30, 2010. She was the sole owner of a checking account and a CD. Not sure of the mount of money involed but probably less than $40,000. There was no will or letters of aministration or letters of testamentary. My mother-in was married but my wife was her only his child. Is my wife entitleld with a death certifcate to any of the funds of these accounts.
06/01/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Kansas | #22286Can the Price Be Increased After a Contract for Sale Has Been made?
I purchased some custom furniture for $6,771 on Sunday. I paid 50% of the value via credit card with the balance to be paid upon delivery. Approximately 20 minutes after I left the store, I was called and told that they made a mistake and an additional +/- $1000 would be required. I have a quote signed by both parties showing the total and the 50% deposit paid including the c...
06/01/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: North Carolina | #22285How Did My Sister Get Ownership of My Deceased Mother's Car?
If my sister was awarded guardianship by my consent how did she obtain to own my mom vehicle. When she wanted house she had to get my signature but for car she didn't in some how she has got a court order to take ownership of car in mom past away now I don't have no rights to my moms car. I thought it was 50/50
06/01/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Property of ... | State: Florida | #22284How Do We Change the Way the Assets of a Trust are Divided?
Our father's will stipulated that funds from a trust account were to be dispersed 50/50 to my brother and myself when the beneficiary is deceased. If my brother or myself are deceased before the trust beneficiary the entire proceeds go to the surviving heir. We have mutually agreed to sharing the proceeds 50/50 even if one of us dies before the other so that our heirs can inh...
06/01/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Washington | #22283How Do I Divorce but Not Divide Assets?
What if the husband and wife both want to divorce but do not want to split up assets that were acquired during marriage. The assets involved are land with significant oil and gas revenue. Both parties are not interested in dividing up the land because of the estate plan for their children. But they are interested in seeing an equitable solution for existing income division i...
06/01/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Kansas | #22282How Do I Serve a Defendant in New York?
I am domiciled in NJ, and the person on whom I need to serve Process is domiciled in NY, Ulster County. May I use certified mail, return receipt requested to serve process under SCPA 307 (2)? Or must I arrange for personal service? The process is Surrogate's summons to an executor for a July hearing according to the Petition for Compulsory Accounting that I filed in Ulster C...
06/01/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: New Jersey | #22281How Can I Have My Daughter Live With a Close Friend?
We want my daughter to attend a school in a different district and have her live with a close friend. She is 17 and a senior in high school. We live in Austin, TX. What documentation do I need? Do I need to sign over guardianship and if I do, how does that affect us- and her- for tax purposes and health insurance.
06/01/2010 | Category: Guardianship | State: Texas | #22280What Notice Am I Entitled to in a Repossession ogf My Vehicle?
My car was repossessed on 4/21. I was given a contact number to call, I called but got voice mail. I left messages w/ name & phone # to reach me. I kept calling but to no avail, always voice mail. I tried to reach the repo people but their voice mail was full. When they repossessed my car they took it with my plates. I'm still paying for my insurance and will continue till the...
06/01/2010 | Category: Contracts » Lease Agreem... | State: Georgia | #22279Can a Credit Card Company Attach Social Security Benefits?
My mother has her social security benefits deposited to her bank account each month. Can that money be taken if a judgement is issued for a debt (Visa account)? She has no assets, is 88 years old and had a stroke.
06/01/2010 | Category: Social Security | State: Washington | #22277